Template:Validated Doomsayer strategy

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This minion has very powerful potential, since it becomes a 7/7 minion at the start of your next turn, which is very efficient for only 5 mana. However, since it starts with no Attack, your opponent can easily use whatever minions they have on the board to attack or destroy the Validated Doomsayer and not take any damage in return. In addition, like its “normal” counterpart  Doomsayer, this minion is initially vulnerable to having its Attack and Health swapped, so  Crazed Alchemist can destroy this minion easily and efficiently if used quickly. It’s best to use this minion alongside minions with Taunt and high Health so enemy minions are forced to attack the Taunt minion and not the Validated Doomsayer. Rogues can use Stealth-granting cards such as  Conceal and  Master of Disguise to hide the Validated Doomsayer at least until next turn, when it will gain its full value.

It is also worth noting that this minion's triggered effect effectively renders it immune to Attack modifiers of any kind, as it will always attempt to set its Attack back to 7 at the start of the turn. This means Attack reduction enchantments from cards such as  Aldor Peacekeeper or  Keeper of Uldaman will have no lasting effect. Helpful Attack/Health buffs such as Mark Of the Wild and  Blessing of Kings can still be useful for attacking that turn, defending on the opponent's turn, or for the extra Health, but any extra Attack will be lost at the start of the next turn.

As a 0-Attack minion, it's one of the few minions that can be summoned from an unbuffed  Meat Wagon, and one of the best.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.