Template:Val'anyr strategy

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Val'anyr is a very strong card in a minion-based deck, giving you infinite value in buffs and weapon charges so long as you have minions in your hand. Be wary of Silence or Transform effects, as these can neutralize your weapon when it's a minion buff.

Like all in-hand buffs, Val'anyr's effect works well on Rush and Charge minions for immediate effect.

Some minions have bonuses when buffed, such as  Paragon of Light and  Meanstreet Marshal.

Val'anyr can also be duplicated by cards like  Echoing Ooze and  Doppelgangster. If Val'anyr buffs a Magnetic minion, its effect can be brought back with  Kangor's Endless Army.

When you manage to get 2 Val'anyr on the same card, once the first is equiped, it will be instantly destroyed by the second one.  Baron Rivendare and  Spiritsinger Umbra can greatly increase this effect.

Val'anyr's effect can be repeated by using  Hoard Pillager and  Rummaging Kobold, effectively giving 4 more weapons.

 Da Undatakah can be a devastating card combined with Val'anyr. Since it can obtain the same effect, when destroyed, either it can give a minion +8/+4 or +4/+2 two times. After that, you can destroy the equiped Val'anyr to further increase any minion's power; technically giving +12/+8.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.