Template:Twig of the World Tree strategy

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This weapon has an extremely slow effect, but pays off for combos built around it. It gives 10 filled Mana Crystals when destroyed, meaning it gives you 10 more mana on the turn it's broken. This extra mana can be used to either build a bigger board or set up a one-turn-kill combo. One OTK is to summon  Ixlid, Fungal Lord then copy it with  Faceless Manipulator, break the Twig, summon  Malygos to create 4 of them, then use two Moonfires to deal 42 damage.

Its extremely high durability and relatively high mana cost means in most cases it can't be used to ramp. The fastest you can destroy the Twig is on turn 8 if you attack with it on every turn. However, Wild has ways to destroy the weapon much earlier by replacing it.  Blingtron 3000 easily destroy it as early as the next turn, and  Medivh, the Guardian can do this as well, although he costs 8 Mana, which is not too much faster. However, using the  Sphere of Sapience can break this weapon on the same turn you equip it (with help from  The Coin or  Innervate).

While it's impractical to use for ramp, the Twig deters weapon destroying cards like  Harrison Jones from being played, since it will bring you up to 10 Mana instantly. It does not work after reaching max mana and will deny you the bonus mana if destroyed on the opponent's turn.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.