Template:Test Subject (boss) strategy

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No. Title Description Solution Notes
1 First Steps Mirror by playing two minions
  1. Play  Wisp
  2. Play  River Crocolisk to the right of  Wisp
2 Smoldering Shield Mirror by Fireballing a  Sen'jin Shieldmasta
  1. Cast  Fireball on  Sen'jin Shieldmasta
  2. Play  Wisp to the left of  River Crocolisk
  3. Play  Chillwind Yeti to the right of  River Crocolisk
3 In a Flash Mirror by clearing Chargers
  1. Attack  Wolfrider with  Stonetusk Boar
  2. Cast  Flash Heal on the friendly  Chillwind Yeti
  3. Use the Hero Power  Lesser Heal on the friendly  River Crocolisk
4 Adorable Sacrifice Mirror by sacrificing  Murloc Tinyfin
  1. Attack the right-most  Wisp with  Murloc Tinyfin
  2. Play  Bloodfen Raptor to the right of  Wisp


  1. Attack  Bloodfen Raptor with  Murloc Tinyfin
  2. Use the Hero Power  Fireblast on Bloodfen Raptor
  3. Play  Wisp
5 Pursuit of Knowledge Mirror by drawing cards
  1. Play  Novice Engineer to the left of  Spider Tank
  2. Cast  Frostbolt on  Dire Mole


  1. Cast  Arcane Intellect
  2. Play  Dire Mole to the right of  Spider Tank
  3. Use the Hero Power  Fireblast on  Novice Engineer


  1. Cast  Arcane Intellect
  2. Play  Novice Engineer to the left of  Spider Tank
  3. Play  Dire Mole to the right of  Spider Tank
6 Brazed Pork Mirror by Fireballing a  Stonetusk Boar
  1. Cast  Fireball on the right-most enemy  Stonetusk Boar
  2. Attack  Chillwind Yeti with Stonetusk Boar
  3. Use the Hero Power  Fireblast on the enemy Chillwind Yeti
7 Shields Up! Mirror with  Defender of Argus
  1. Play  Stonetusk Boar on the far left
  2. Play  Defender of Argus between Stonetusk Boars
  3. Attack  Frostwolf Grunt with the right-most Stonetusk Boar
8 Three Odd Yetis Mirror the Health of three Chillwind Yetis
  1. Attack the undamaged enemy  Chillwind Yeti with the left-most  River Crocolisk
  2. Attack the enemy River Crocolisk with the remaining River Crocolisk
  3. Use the Hero Power  Lesser Heal on the right-most enemy Yeti
  4. Cast  Holy Smite on the friendly River Crocolisk

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

BOTA BOSS 01h2.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.