Template:Swampqueen Hagatha notes

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  • When played, you choose two Shaman spells in a Discover-like menu. You are given a 5-mana 5/5  Drustvar Horror with "Battlecry: Cast [the two spells]".
  • The Horror casts the two spells in the order selected. Targeted spells are not targeted randomly; instead, you choose the target when you play the minion, just like any other targeted battlecry. As noted below, at most one of the two spells will be targeted.
  • You do not pay mana to cast the spells; however, spells with overload do lock your mana crystals as usual.[1]
  • The first choice of spells is random and includes all Shaman spells. If the first spell selected is a targeted spell, the second pool will be limited to non-targeted spells.[2]
  • Upgradable spells on Drustvar Horror's Battlecry cannot be upgraded.[3]
  • When Drustvar Horror played, it casts two spells in the same order as in selection. During this casting, minions die only after second cast (Reborn minion will survive, Overkill can be triggered twice) besides exceptions ( Earthquake).
  • If the player has double battlecries from cards such as  Brann Bronzebeard and  Murmuring Elemental, Swampqueen Hagatha makes two Drustvar Horror cards and the player chooses spells for them separately. Likewise, the double battlecry effects Drustvar Horror's spells twice (two casts, death effects, two casts).

This template contains notes for these cards.

DAL 431.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.