Template:Steward of Darkshire notes

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  • This minion's triggered effect activates whenever the controlling player summons a minion with 1 Health. It does not require the minion to be played from the hand.
  • The effect only activates if the minion summoned has a maximum Health value of 1. Minions which are damaged to 1 Health (such as those summoned by  Redemption), will not trigger it.[1][2] In addition, minions which are buffed in hand (such as by  Grimestreet Outfitter), will not trigger the effect either.
  • The effect activates before any Battlecry from the summoned minions. For example, playing  Twilight Drake with other cards in hand will cause the initially 1-Health Drake to activate the Steward's effect, gaining Divine Shield, before its Battlecry then increases its Health.[3]
  • Steward of Darkshire is a Summon Resolution Step trigger, meaning she triggers after each outermost Phase resolves, after auras update. As a result, depending on whether you play or merely summon a minion, she will check her condition and trigger with the following timing:
    • Played: after auras, after On Play Phase triggers, before After Summon Triggers
    • Merely summoned: after auras, after After Summon Triggers
  • As a result, Steward of Darkshire triggers after  Sword of Justice for merely summoned minions, but before  Sword of Justice for played minions. She always triggers after Health auras update (such as  Southsea Captain) and after  Hobgoblin triggers. It is unknown which of these interactions are bugged and which are intended. Keep them in mind when constructing Steward of Darkshire decks that contain other buffs.[4]

This template contains notes for these cards.

OG 310.png

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