Template:Star Aligner strategy

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While this card's Battlecry is extremely powerful, its requirements are strict to match it. It's extremely difficult to have two 7-Health minions ready for Star Aligner due to a lack of cheap 7-Health minions, with this card being no exception. If the opponent is able to put even a small amount of pressure on you, they can disrupt your combo by dealing damage to your minions. It's best to use this card with effects that can circumvent the mana cost restriction.

Outside of  Luna's Pocket Galaxy and  Supreme Archaeology, activating Star Aligner will often require to have a board first. Some cards that could potentially make this easier are  Fel Lord Betrug, who can summon temporary minions for the Battlecry if he can survive a turn, and  High Priest Amet, where you can flood the board with cheap 7-Health minions. Star Aligner's Battlecry is far easier to pull off with  Aviana and  Kun the Forgotten King.  Juicy Psychmelon lets you draw three out of four of the combo pieces needed in one go if you include a 8 or 9-mana minion with 7 Health like  Medivh, the Guardian. Not only that,  Brann Bronzebeard can also be used to to double the damage and any minion who can reuse its Battlecry like  Ancient Brewmaster and  Flobbidinous Floop will make it even deadlier. Alternative means include using  Carnivorous Cube on a 7-Health minion, a  Doomguard pulled with  Skull of the Man'ari then copied with  Bloodbloom and  Ectomancy, and other cost reduction effects like  Emperor Thaurissan and  Jungle Giants.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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