Template:Sonya Shadowdancer strategy

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Sonya's effect is useful mainly as a combo enabler and also to return minions with useful battlecries to your hand at a discount. It works well with cards like  SI:7 Agent,  Bonemare and  Vilespine Slayer to pull off cheaper combos. Using a  Stonetusk Boar can also pull of interesting combos with  Edwin VanCleef as an easy way to clear the board.

She works best when played for tempo rather than as a combo piece. If you have minions on board and the opponent plays a bigger minion, you can trade your minions on board with the opponent's minions to create 1/1 copies of them. Her strength comes in being able to trade a minion with a strong Battlecry already on board like  Prince Keleseth to reuse their effects for a much smaller cost.

Sonya is also particularly good in Quest Rogue as she allows you to complete your quest even faster with cards like Patches and  Fire Fly. With a 1-mana Charge minion like  Stonetusk Boar, it guarantees you complete the quest by turn 8.

Another application for Sonya is in Jade Rogue and  Pogo-Hopper decks, who helps generate more copies of those minions to ramp up their stats.

It can be used with  Wildpaw Gnoll that has been discounted from  Maestra of the Masquerade to be able to have a reliable board clear due to having no mana cost with Rush. An alternative is to have  Mechwarper and  Skaterbot to do the same.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.