Template:Shadowcaster notes

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  • The copy minion has its stats set to 1/1 by a special enchantment. This can be removed through a Silence or returning it to the controlling player's hand after it is played, restoring the minion to its original stats.[1][2]
  • No enchantments attached to the target minion will be copied. This includes stat changes, granted Deathrattles, etc.[3] Silences also will not be copied. Any damage dealt to the target minion will not be copied, due to the copy's stats being specifically set to 1/1.
  • A Shadowcaster copy of  C'Thun will be a 1/1. Any rituals played after it will buff this C'Thun above 1/1, however.
  • This card's Battlecry also creates a cost-modification enchantment attached to the generated card that sets its mana cost to 1. This enchantment follows the general rule that multiple cost modifications take effect in order of play: for additional details, see Mana cost.

This template contains notes for these cards.

OG 291.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.