Template:Reno Jackson strategy

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The simplest way to ensure this minion's Battlecry activates is to put only 1 copy of each card in your deck, known as a Highlander archetype. However, it is possible to add some duplicates, as long as the player is able to draw or discard them from the deck before playing Reno Jackson.

If the player chooses to use duplicates, the best kinds of decks for him would be a Control or Mill deck. Control Warriors or Priests, for example, would have the longevity to use Reno later, when his heal is more likely to go off due to having met his Battlecry condition. Similarly, a Mill Rogue or Druid can draw enough cards out of their deck to quickly guarantee the full heal, which is especially useful when added on top of  Antique Healbot and  Tree of Life.

Conversely, using Reno in an Aggro or Midrange deck is generally unwise. Should the game go long enough for an Aggro deck to need to be concerned with its Health, the likelihood is that the game is already lost. Similarly, using Reno in a Midrange deck is risky, due to the numerous duplicates needed for that playstyle. Unlike Aggro, one can come back from needing to be concerned with their Health, but Midrange decks generally do not have the same survivability to last long enough to draw all of their duplicates from their deck.

As a Mage, the player can use  Ice Block to give themselves a safety net from dying before playing Reno, as well as getting the maximum benefit out of it, though this discourages the usual practice of having copies of several spells in the deck.

Without the Battlecry, this minion has very poor stats for its cost, but its 6 Health can still make it a useful defender in emergencies.

Reno can be countered by shuffling cards into your opponent's deck. The most effective card for this is  Beneath the Grounds, which adds 3 Ambush! to the opponent's deck. Until they draw or discard at least 2 of these, they will be unable to benefit from Reno's Battlecry. Conversely, players should be careful about adding multiple identical cards to their own deck through cards like  Forgotten Torch and  Ancient Shade.  Gang Up is highly inadvisable in a deck running Reno Jackson, while  Entomb can be problematic.

The general effect of Reno's Battlecry is to restore the hero to full Health. However, as with all healing effects, be aware that activating this minion's Battlecry with an  Auchenai Soulpriest on your board will result in your hero suffering damage equal to their maximum Health.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.