Template:Overlord Saurfang strategy

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Due to its very limited number of summons (compared to similar resurrection cards like  N'Zoth, the Corruptor), it's important to avoid polluting Saurfang's pool with weak Frenzy minions in order to maximize his value. However, running too few Frenzy cards means two Frenzy minions might not die before turn seven.

 Stonemaul Anchorman and  Kresh, Lord of Turtling are by far the most popular Frenzy minions used alongside Overlord Saurfang. The former can be fetched reliably with  Stage Dive and provides some decent removal and draw, whereas the latter's Frenzy is a great boon to control decks.

Other Frenzy cards are either rarely run in competitive decks at all, or the decks that do use them don't have enough Frenzy cards to warrant running Saurfang. Power level aside, however, there are some fun interactions to be had with them:

  •  Taurajo Brave is slow to play and activate normally, but when revived provides a free casting of  Deadly Shot on top of a reasonably well-statted body.
  •  Blademaster Samuro is a very effective board clear in Rush and Handbuff Warrior decks and synergizes nicely with  Stage Dive. While it won't retain any buffs, the extra 1 damage to enemy minions is far from useless.
  • Even if Saurfang is played on an empty board,  Barrens Blacksmith will at least give him and the other revived minion a +2/+2 bonus.
  • In a dedicated Frenzy (or Enrage) deck,  Warsong Envoy is a solid 1-drop that can gain a fairly significant Attack boost if Saurfang brings it back. Cards like  Animated Broomstick and Charge help make that bonus more relevant before the opponent can remove it.
  •  Razormane Raider has decent stats and will attack immediately after being summoned this way. It can help pick off enemy minions or push extra damage.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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