Template:Nourish strategy

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This is a Choose One card which provides the player with two options: to permanently gain 2 Mana Crystals, or to draw 3 cards.

Gain 2 mana crystals

This option grants the druid 2 additional mana crystals. These mana crystals are permanent, and are full when they are granted. This means that choosing this option in effect costs only 3 mana, although it still requires 5 mana to play.

Many people never choose the "gain 2 mana crystals" option because it costs 5 mana crystals. However, the advantage gained in earlier rounds by advancing your mana progression is substantial. In control vs control matchups, the mana gain can be a substantial boon, allowing the player to play huge threats or make efficient turns without the fear of falling behind tempo. Thanks to the addition of powerful high-cost draw and defensive catch-up cards like  Branching Paths,  Spreading Plague, and  Ultimate Infestation, it's fairly easy to recover after playing Nourish for mana.

Used in combination with  Innervate and  Wild Growth, choosing this option can allow the druid to very quickly expand their mana pool, albeit it at the cost of other action. This will likely leave you taking damage and relying on quickly drawing something useful in order to make up for lost time and board control. Building a deck around such an unlikely amount of cards early in the game is not recommended:  Astral Communion achieves much the same result.

Draw 3 cards

This option is much simpler: draw 3 cards. This is a powerful card draw effect, and can be very useful at any stage of the game.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

EX1 164.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.