Template:Netherspite strategy

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The key to defeating Netherspite lies in his two portals:  Red Portal on the left, and  Blue Portal on the right. Without minions blocking the beams, Netherspite will deal at least 6 damage to the player each turn on Normal, or 16 damage each turn on Heroic.

The most critical beam to block is the right-hand one. By placing a Taunt minion in the blue beam, Netherspite will be forced to destroy it one point at a time, although he can use a variety of spells including Terrifying Roar (Heroic),  Polymorph,  Mulch and Nether Breath (Heroic) to speed the process up. However, critically Netherspite will not attack any Taunt minion with any Attack value that he cannot destroy in a single hit. This means that even a 1/2 Taunt like  Goldshire Footman can cause Netherspite to refrain from attacking. Despite this, his variety of tools for removal means Netherspite will not be hindered by any one Taunt for too long, and if the blue beam is ever unblocked will immediately resume attacking the hero; a good number of Taunts is therefore required. With Heroic Netherspite dealing 16+ damage each turn, it is vital to have a Taunt to play on turn 1, making it best to include several such minions in the deck.

While the Taunts are holding Netherspite back, the left-hand beam provides a means for the player to provide strong, if fitful, damage. High-Attack minions work well with the beam's Windfury effect, especially Charge minions like  Reckless Rocketeer. The frequency of Netherspite's removal (especially Nether Breath, combined with  Arcane Explosion,  Swipe or  Arcane Missiles) means the player will need to refresh both side of their board fairly regularly, and Nether Breath in particular means minion Health values are often unimportant.  Sludge Belcher is a good pick for preventing Netherspite from using board wipes to get unstoppable hits on your hero.

Freeze effects can be effective for buying a free turn, especially if lacking a Taunt;  Ice Lance and  Frostbolt are ideal.

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