Template:Marin the Fox strategy

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This minion's true strength, due to being weak for its cost, lies in its Battlecry. The treasure chest it spawns can give you some of the most powerful cards in the game. However, due to the chest's high health, you'll need a strong move to destroy it.

Marin pairs very well with  Crazed Alchemist. On turn 10, you can play Marin, then the  Crazed Alchemist to instantly destroy the treasure chest. Priests have more ways to destroy the chest such as  Shadow Word: Pain and the most effective method of them all,  Topsy Turvy.

Priests can turn a mostly undamaged chest into an one-hit-kill with  Potion of Madness, two Divine Spirits and  Inner Fire. A true OTK can be accomplished with  Radiant Elemental or  Emperor Thaurissan.

While the chest is harmless on its own, the enemy can buff the chest with cards like  Bonemare to turn it into a sturdy minion, or use it for the aforementioned one-hit kill against a Priest. Warlocks can even use  Treachery to give the chest to their opponent, before breaking it and stealing the treasure for themselves. Marin should be played with caution if you suspect the enemy is running these sorts of cards. Be careful against Paladins, since they can turn the Chest against you with powerful buffs ( Pharaoh's Blessing,  Blessing of Kings,  Spikeridged Steed) or even help them complete  The Last Kaleidosaur.

Marin's power level is similar to other legendaries;  Elite Tauren Chieftain and  Gelbin Mekkatorque. While it won't backfire or potentially give the enemy an advantage, the sheer range of outcomes he can produce and overall high mana cost makes him less viable in a competitive deck, even as a value play.

 Heistbaron Togwaggle's Battlecry offers the same treasures as Marin, and is a largely superior version as Togwaggle's treasures can be obtained much easier and more reliably, as well as allowing to choose the treasure best suited for the situation.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.