Template:Lion's Frenzy strategy

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Lion's Frenzy on its own is essentially 1 attack as the player always draws a card on their turn. At the cost of 3 mana, it is very undervalued. To improve this, the player must have cards that can draw cards from their deck. To prevent the player from drawing their entire deck, the player can shuffle Soul Fragments into the deck,  Glide, or send Tradeable cards back to the deck to delay the Fatigue scenario.

With its durability, the player only gets two attacks of its scaling attack before it wears out. The best possible use is to stack it at least 4 attack or more to use it. Although Demon Hunter have access to cards that boost their attack including their Hero Power, its more efficient to focus on card draw if possible as drawing cards indirectly provides attack to the weapon.

However Lion's Frenzy requires a bit of luck to get it to high attack as similar to  Irebound Brute and  Final Showdown effects, not having card draw in their hand results to having a poor Lion's Frenzy Attack which can unreliably not deal lethal damage or kill important minions and especially its attack resets at the end of the turn.

With Soul Fragments, the weapon already gains 2 additional attack as those draw another card.  Glide can produce 4 attack on the weapon.

Because of the scaling high attack,  Blade Dance can deal heavy damage to get rid of problematic Taunts before swinging at the enemy hero or key minions for the enemy.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

SW 454.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.