Template:Light's Sorrow strategy

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Light's Sorrow has a similar effect to  Bolvar, Fireblood, in that it gains attack for every minion losing Divine Shield. Light's Sorrow can become increasingly deadly as it gets bigger for each minion losing Divine Shield and eventually deal a lot of damage within 4 attacks. However, its weak stats for its cost makes it difficult to play unless you have Divine Shield ready to pop as soon as you equip this.

It is powerful in divine shield decks.  Steward of Darkshire combined with the Paladin's Hero power is one synergy that can build up Divine Shields to power up Light's Sorrow. Combining Light's Sorrow and Bolvar, Fireblood can become a devastating combo that deals massive damage, as they share the same effect and gain a total of 4 damage for every minion losing Divine Shield, including Bolvar himself.

 Blood Knight is very useful, removing Divine Shield instantly, but prevents your Divine Shield minions from taking the free hit.

Minions with Charge or Rush and Divine Shield (e.g.  Argent Horserider,  Ghostly Charger) can build +1 attack without waiting for enemy turn or on your next turn.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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