Template:Injured Blademaster strategy

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Injured Blademaster's Battlecry immediately deals 4 damage to himself, leaving the controlling player with a wounded 4/3, and not a 4/7. However, his maximum Health capacity of 7 will remain.

The Injured Blademaster is a fairly cheap and sturdy minion. While a reasonable 3 mana minion, he works best with priest decks, where he can be immediately and repeatedly healed; for example, playing an Injured Blademaster followed immediately by  Circle of Healing results in a 4/7 minion for only 3 mana.  Divine Spirit can also be used upon him to great effect once his Health has been restored. He also works well in a warrior deck, combining him with  Rampage and  Battle Rage. Also, shamans can make a good use out of it with  Ancestral Healing, making it a 4/7 Taunt for 3 mana and 2 cards.

His self-damage will trigger effects such as  Armorsmith and  Frothing Berserker. Notably, if  Acidmaw is on the board, the Injured Blademaster will be immediately destroyed upon being played.

Note that Battlecries only take effect when the minion is played directly from the hand; if he can be put on the field without being played directly from your hand (i.e.  Resurrect), his Battlecry will not take effect, leaving you with a full Health 4/7.

Because of Injured Blademaster's self-harming Battlecry,  Backstab cannot be used on the minion unless he is healed, or his maximum Health reduced appropriately, making it harder for rogues to remove him. On the other hand, the same self-harm makes him vulnerable to  Execute from warriors.

Note that playing this card while you control  Brann Bronzebeard will result in the Injured Blademaster killing itself.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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