Template:Il'gynoth strategy

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There are many Lifesteal options for Demon Hunters, be it from the  Aldrachi Warblades + attack boosts like  Inner Demon and  Soulshard Lapidary combos or from general spells like  Soul Cleave and  Eye Beam. Control Demon Hunters can use this as a way to close out the late game with all of their leftover, presumably worthless Lifesteal cards, and Aggro decks can bypass Taunt and finish off their opponent without having to waste resources dealing with the minions.

You can also combine Il'gynoth with Mo'arg Artificers for extreme burst damage. Artificers can be duplicated by  Felosophy for even more doubling, allowing you to kill the opponent from full health with spells.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.