Template:Hemet, Jungle Hunter strategy

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This minion's Battlecry may seem bad at first glance, but can be a major blessing when played at the right time in a proper deck. This card's power comes in thinning out your deck by removing cards that would have low impact in the later stages of the game. It is useful in control decks once you no longer need your low-cost card used for stabilizing the early game, in midrange decks when you need to draw stronger minions to secure the board, and in combo decks for either speeding up card acquisition after your low-cost combo pieces have been drawn or guaranteeing specific cards within your deck.[1] Plus, his stats are fair for his cost, unlike his GvG counterpart. One situation where this card is truly detrimental is in very long control games since it speeds up fatigue.

In Arena, playing this card is a good idea when going into topdeck mode, reducing the chance of drawing weak cards that are useless at that stage of the game.

There is also a "cheese" paladin deck that utilizes Hemet, 25 minions that cost (3) or less, two  Holy Wraths and two  Molten Giants. Its goal is to use a Holy Wrath while drawing a Molten Giant to deal its whopping cost of 20 damage to the opponent.

Hemet is a strong inclusion in  Mecha'thun decks, where he offers one of the fastest way to burn through your deck.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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