Template:Feign Death strategy

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Feign Death is useful in decks focused on Deathrattle effects. It allows Hunters to activate Deathrattles on command without having to destroy the minion first. Targets like  Loot Hoarder and  Exploding Bloatbat are good for utility, while cards like  Kindly Grandmother,  Devilsaur Egg,  Cairne Bloodhoof or  Sylvanas Windrunner give immediate board advantage. Note that Deathrattles that can only activate on the opponent's turn like  Skelemancer will do nothing.

One of the challenges posing for this card is the difficulty in maximizing its effect. Having enough strong Deathrattle minions on board while also having the mana to use this card is not always feasible, especially if your opponent anticipates it. In some cases, it might be optimal to use it even on a single Deathrattle minion.

 Play Dead is a cheaper, single-target version of Feign Death. While it only affects one minion, its lower cost makes it more flexible to use.  Terrorscale Stalker and  Princess Huhuran do the same, but come with a body. One case where Feign Death can be more useful compared to other single-target Deathrattle activators is in  Goblin Bomb decks, since various cards summon multiple of them and they tend to stick on the board.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.