Template:Demonwrath strategy

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Demonwrath is clearly designed as a strong early-game AoE removal option for Demon-oriented warlock decks, such as Demonlock. For 3 mana, it provides an extremely useful addition to the warlock's usual arsenal of AoE effects, but requires a friendly board of mostly or entirely Demons in order for its benefits to outweigh its drawbacks. With a minion roster composed primarily or exclusively of Demons, Demonwrath is a cheap and versatile removal tool, especially against aggro decks relying on swarms of smaller minions.

Using Demonwrath doesn't necessarily require a demon-heavy deck. With an empty board, it functions as a cheaper  Consecration, and it doesn't damage yourself like  Hellfire, making it an effective board clear for decks that use few minions. Demonwrath's damage can be easily augmented using Spell Damage minions such as  Bloodmage Thalnos or  Azure Drake. Even if the minion is destroyed by Demonwrath, their Spell Damage will still add to the spell's output. In addition to its use as AoE board clear, Demonwrath can be useful for triggering "egg" cards like  Nerubian Egg. However, its Demon-synergy prevents it from being used to trigger  Imp Gang Boss' effect.

Demonwrath can also fall flat if you find yourself in a mirror match against another Demon-based warlock or demon hunter deck, especially if it's an aggressive early-game deck.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.