Template:Deathstalker Rexxar strategy

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Upon activating Deathstalker Rexxar, you immediately deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. This allows this card to be used in a more control-based Hunter deck, clearing the enemy's field while preparing to dominate with your Zombeasts. You are also provided with 5 armor, giving you an additional defensive boost to help turn the tides.

The main reason to use Deathstalker Rexxar though is, of course, his Hero Power, Build-a-Beast. 2 Mana for a "draw" is already a very strong effect (stronger than  Life Tap with its 2 Health cost), but rather than a random card, you're molding a powerful minion.

Build your beast according to your situation. If you need to establish defense, make a beast with Taunt. If you are low on health and need to stabilize, make a beast with Lifesteal or Rush. If the opponent has minions with high health, make a Poisonous Zombeast. If the opponent's health is low, look for Charge or Stealth to finish them off.

Try to create synergies with the effects provided. Poisonous can be an extremely strong keyword when combined with Charge, Rush, or damage dealing effects. Lifesteal synergizes fantastically with beasts with Taunt, as well as beasts that have damaging effects such as  Exploding Bloatbat and  Bittertide Hydra.

As a rule of thumb, Zombeasts are often stronger than the sum of their parts. For example, a  Crackling Razormaw stitched with a  River Crocolisk will result in a 4 Mana minion with a powerful effect and a 5/5 statline, which for 4 Mana is far above the standard power curve. While building minions with powerful synergy is preferred, any Zombeast is usually more than worth the cost of summoning.

While Zombeasts can be undoubtedly powerful, there are times when you should not even play Deathstalker Rexxar, namely when your opponent's almost dead. Losing  Steady Shot considerably lowers their reach, and Hunters can find themselves being unable to land the killing blow. When having a healthy early to mid-game lead, especially against classes and decks that lack healing or Taunts or have many high-value minions and removal, being able to chip down the last of their Health with Steady Shot is better than trying to out-value your opponent with Zombeasts. Avoid playing Deathstalker Rexxar in these cases, unless you absolutely need the Battlecry to survive.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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