Template:Deathlord notes

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Deathlord's Deathrattle causes the opponent to place a random minion from their unused deck directly onto the battlefield.[1] The card is removed from the player's deck.[1] If the opponent has no minions remaining in their deck, no minion will be summoned.[2]

Deathrattle interactions

Like every other minion in the game, Deathlord's Deathrattle is not processed until after it has been killed and removed from play. Also note that when multiple deaths happen simultaneously, each one and all its consequences are resolved before moving to the next one. This means that if the Deathlord is played first and summons a minion that triggers on deaths, before then dying simultaneously to another minion, the minion summoned by the Deathlord's Deathrattle may react to the death of the other minion. In addition, if the Deathlord was killed by a spell, the spell will not resolve until after all deaths are processed, allowing newly summoned Flamewakers and Wild Pyromancers to immediately trigger.


  • Your opponent plays a Deathlord first and you play a  Bloodfen Raptor second. After damaging the Deathlord to 2/3, you use the Raptor to attack it. Both die simultaneously and a Death Phase begins where their deaths are considered in order of play. First the Deathlord brings out a  Scavenging Hyena, then the Bloodfen Raptor's death is considered, and the Scavenging Hyena becomes a 4/3. Note that if the Deathlord was played second, the Scavenging Hyena would come out too late and it would be unbuffed.
  • You  Pyroblast an enemy Deathlord. Its Deathrattle puts a  Wild Pyromancer into play. When the Pyroblast resolves, the Wild Pyromancer sees the spell finishing and triggers its effect, dealing 1 damage to all minions.
  • If a Deathlord (played first) is destroyed alongside other minions and puts a  Flesheating Ghoul into the field, the Flesheating Ghoul's triggered effect will always activate for any later simultaneous deaths, but may not activate for the Deathlord's death (it will only activate if the owner of Deathlord is the Dominant Player).[3]

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FP1 009.png

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