Template:Deathbringer Saurfang strategy

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Since Saurfang is immune to all sorts of damage except from weapons, you obviously need to play a weapons class to defeat this boss. However, you will also need minions and/or spells to defend yourself from Saurfang's minions and to remove taunts that prevent you from attacking his face with your weapon. Generally speaking, you will want to control the board before focusing on damaging the boss. Ignoring his face early on and focusing on the board has two benefits: your damage will not be wasted by  Blood Beast heals (as Saurfang will likely play them for tempo, leaving them open to be killed), and he gets one less draw from each  Battle Rage, meaning he runs out of steam faster. Board control also makes it easier to handle  Acolyte of Pain, which will further starve him of card draw. Once Saurfang's hand is depleted, you can simply whittle him down at your leisure.

A good combo to use is  Assassin's Blade +  Deadly Poison: four charges of 5 damage each is exactly enough to kill this boss. The downside as that this requires 6 mana to cast, and you need to have both cards in hand.  Cavern Shinyfinder can aid in drawing Assassin's Blade, while  Counterfeit Coin and Swashburglar, which gives The Coin when used against Saurfang, can alleviate the mana cost and allow the combo to be played sooner. Removing  Blood Beast is imperative for this strategy, as even one heal will allow Saurfang to outlast your Assassin's Blade.

Another alternative is to play Warrior, the class with the most weapons available, and some of the Pirate combo's that allow you to buff your weapon.

 Uther of the Ebon Blade is a fairly good choice for the fight, as  Grave Vengeance will remove three-fourths of Saurfang's health and allow you to easily finish him off with another weapon, like  Truesilver Champion, and Paladin's control cards will let you clear out Saurfang's minions and bleed out his resources until you can start attacking him without being threatened. Additionally, The Four Horsemen can instantly kill Saurfang, freeing up your weapons for contesting the board if necessary.

Note that fatigue and mill strategies will not work on their own, as Saurfang does not receive fatigue damage.

Boss completion

As the second boss of Lower Icecrown Citadel, defeating Deathbringer Saurfang unlocks the third and final boss,  Lady Deathwhisper.

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