Template:Dagger Mastery strategy

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  • The rogue's Hero Power may seem weak at first glance, but is key to the tactical strengths of the rogue. This allows a rogue to tackle and potentially destroy a low-health minion each turn. This can allow the rogue to directly and very affordably remove low-level minions from the board during the early game, while still having enough mana to summon minions of their own. Unlike the druid's  Shapeshift power, it only needs to be used once to gain two uses.
  • The main downside with this power is the same as with any other weapon - attacking a minion using it will cause that minion to deal its damage to the rogue. This is a critical tactical choice for rogues. This power can allow them to maintain strong board control through the early game, but that control comes at the price of substantial self-inflicted damage. The rogue may choose to take the damage themselves in order to protect their minions, allowing them to build an imposing army; but if their health dips too low, or their army is suddenly removed with a well-timed AoE, they may leave themselves open to a swift defeat.
  • Unlike the druid's  Shapeshift power, this power's effects do not expire at the end of the turn. This means that a rogue can use this power to equip a knife in advance, ready to be used whenever it is needed. This makes this power an excellent dump for spare mana.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

HERO 03bp.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.