Template:Cultist S'thara strategy

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The loss of life with  Poisoned Drink does not trigger if your hand is full (ten cards) and there is a Discard of the drawn card, so filling your hand early can save you from suffering damage at the expense of losing some of your deck. This is because Burned Cards "destroys the card" when "trying to draw".

Cards useful for this purpose include:

  •  Spellslinger (adds a card to both hands, though this could help S'thata avoid damage later too: net zero change
  •  Unstable Portal since it adds a minion to hand (not drawn) in addition to playing one in the field: net zero change
  •  Tome of Intellect can be played without changing the amounts of cards in hand: net zero change
  •  Cabalist's Tome (adds 3 cards to hand, they don't count as "drawn" or inflict damage): plus two change
  •  Ancient Mysteries is only "net zero" if you have a secret remaining in deck, otherwise it puts you at risk of drawing and taking -1
  •  Mana Bind initially is -1 but since it adds a copy to your hand it EVENTUALLY has a zero balance: but it's only helpful if your opponent casts spell directly following it's play, otherwise you will draw a 10th card to replace Mana Bind.

Lifesteal cards like  Bloodworm are useful here, especially since S'thara begins with more health.

S'thara has her own lifesteal cards like  Acolyte of Agony. The ideal thing is to kill them with direct damage spells instead of minions so they it doesn't leech life via the automatic counterattack.

Darius Crowley

Darius makes this fight easier than the others. With cards such as  Forbidden Ritual, you hero power will keep you one step a head. It is recommended to keep your cannons in the middle for anything the boss may throw on you.

Houndmaster Shaw

Having such as early boss in the game, could prove difficult for the hound master. Above all else you must survive the early game by keeping her board empty. This will involve sacrificing many minions. As long as she has lower health than you, you may want to keep killing her minions slowly and let her hero power finish her.

Toki, Time-Tinker

Since she is able to flood the board fast, you will need low mana cards to play. Should a play not go your way, do feel free to rewind time. It is important to keep her minions on the board low while you try to get ahead. Having nothing to play could prove fatal.

Tess Greymane

Using your minions in hand, don't simply go face with their abilities. Taking a slight amount of damage in the early game is no problem if you control the board. As long as she doesn't have a minion to harm you, you won.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

GILA BOSS 45h.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.