Template:Captain Hannigan strategy

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On Normal mode, Captain Hannigan plays a Warrior deck filled with a lot of taunts which he can enhance by  Bolster. Maintaining board control is key as he can't summon more than 4 minions due to Chapter 3's Twist. Don't overcommit too early because he plays 2 copies of  Brawl. When Hannigan has 10 mana available, he will play  Heroic Innkeeper which can get as big as 10/10, so it's advised to keep his board clean at this particular point. The only immediate damage at his disposal is  Blood Razor.


On Heroic mode, Captain Hannigan's deck is a Paladin-Warrior hybrid, this time switching into Midrange - Control style. He plays every good Paladin legendary and some neutral threats like  Sylvanas Windrunner,  Ragnaros the Firelord and  Loatheb. His other deck theme is buffing ( Blessing of Kings,  Lightforged Blessing,  Spikeridged Steed,  Blessed Champion) which eventually results in a huge payoff with  Lynessa Sunsorrow. Once again, board control matters, this time even more given his many buffs. If you give Hannigan no threats and try to outlive him, it will probably end in a failure, since this time he has a significant amount of face damage between  Val'anyr and Tirion's  Ashbringer. Going tall with huge minions will be a hard task due to  Sunkeeper Tarim,  Eadric the Pure and 2 copies of  Brawl. If your deck has  EVIL Propaganda, you may stall until you can steal his Tirion or Sylvanas. An OTK scenario with infinite  Swampqueen's Call is probably your best strategy against Heroic Hannigan.

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DALA BOSS 55h.png

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