Template:Call of the Wild notes

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  • The companions are summoned in what in English is alphabetical order:  Huffer, then  Leokk, then  Misha.[1] This order is used regardless of the game client's current language, although it may not be alphabetical order in other languages.[2]
    • This is important when playing with more than 4 minions already in play, since there won't be room to summon all 3 companions.
    • This arguably provides a bias toward aggressive play, with Huffer's Charge and then Leokk's Attack buff taking priority over Misha's Taunt.
  • If used against the Kel'Thuzad boss in Curse of Naxxramas, you will get all three animal companions as well as  Mr. Bigglesworth.[3]

This template contains notes for these cards.

OG 211.png

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