Template:Blingtron 3000 strategy

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Blingtron is extremely powerful, but equally for both players - at least, potentially. This makes him a good play when the player has much more to gain from the equipping of a weapon than the opponent. Needing a few extra points of damage to end the game, or to clear a critical minion, is one example. Taunts aside, Blingtron is an effective if unreliable source of burst damage.

Blingtron combos very well with a  Harrison Jones or  Acidic Swamp Ooze. This allows the player to use Blingtron to equip themselves with a weapon, without granting one to their opponent. Harrison Jones can also make this a very efficient play, potentially drawing several cards, in addition to equipping a weapon and summoning two substantial minions - all from just 2 cards.

One key benefit of using Blingtron is to destroy any weapon currently equipped by the opponent. This can be used to destroy powerful weapons like  Doomhammer and  Gorehowl, although it always has a chance of upgrading or simply refreshing the player's current weapon. Beware of weapon Deathrattles such as  Death's Bite and  Powermace, which will be triggered by the destruction of the current weapon.

Blingtron makes an excellent combination with Freeze effects, especially from ongoing sources like  Snowchugger and  Water Elemental. By freezing the opponent the same turn as playing Blingtron, the opponent is prevented from using their weapon, denying them strategic options as well as the chance of immediate retaliation. If the player can keep the opponent frozen for the rest of the match, this effectively removes Blingtron's downside entirely.

With the release of The League of Explorers, Blingtron carries the risk of directly increasing damage taken by a player, in the form of  Cursed Blade. This can lead to a substantial and potentially fatal increase in damage taken, especially given the weapon's 3 Durability, as a player cannot destroy their own weapon without depleting its Durability or equipping a replacement, often making the weapon very hard to get rid of. This can prove very useful when given to the opponent, but is equally likely to be granted to the summoning player. A replacement weapon in hand is a good counter to this possibility, which can easily bring lethal within reach for either player.

Blingtron has strong synergy with  Twig of the World Tree. He is one of the only ways for Druids to destroy or replace a weapon (besides  Medivh, the Guardian, who costs much more), and lets them able to use it to ramp to 10 mana at turn 5.

For Warriors,  Weapons Project is a largely more competetive choice, being more mana efficient and avoiding the possibility of giving a powerful weapon to the opponent, though at the cost of giving the opponent some extra Armor.

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