Template:Archwitch Willow strategy

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Willow's effect is quite strong, allowing players to pay just 8 mana for two demons- in most cases this will be stellar value. Currently in Standard there aren't many large demons Warlock wants to be cheating out, but there are a few like  Fel Lord Betrug or  Enhanced Dreadlord. You can also use Willow to summon smaller demons like  Aranasi Broodmother and it would still be good value thanks to the fairly large body Willow provides alongside her effect.

Wild offers better demons for Warlock to use, like  Mal'Ganis,  Voidlord, or  Doomguard. She also has great synergy with  Bloodreaver Gul'dan - you can play her on turn 8-9 to pressure your opponent to clear your demons and then play  Bloodreaver Gul'dan on turn 10 to revive them.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

SCH 181.png

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