Template:Archmage Vargoth strategy

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Archmage Vargoth has immense potential, but also requires planning to make sure you get the most out of his effect. In general it's a smart idea to only cast one spell per turn when Vargoth is on the field; that way, you're 100% guaranteed to duplicate the spell you wanted. As for what spells to use, in order to minimize the odds of things going wrong, it's best to stick to either spells that have no target (such as  Eureka! or  Holy Nova), spells that can only target a friendly minion (such as  Big Bad Voodoo or  Power Word: Replicate) or spells that can only target an enemy minion (such as  Assassinate or  Execute). Spells that can target anyone, such as  Fireball or  Blessing of Kings, run the risk of accidentally hitting the wrong minion and proving even worse than useless. That being said, if your opponent controls no minions, buffing spells such as  Ancestral Spirit and  Blessing of Kings are safer to use.

If possible, try to combo a spell with Vargoth on the turn you play him in case your opponent is able to immediately kill him. If they fail to do so, though, you're free to use your most powerful high-cost spells to duplicate, such as  Mass Resurrection or  Flamestrike.

Using a spell to summon Archmage Vargoth, such as  Dimensional Ripper,  Eureka! or  Mass Resurrection, can result in you ending your turn with multiple copies of Archmage Vargoth. While the second copy won't immediately activate its effect, this will make it harder for your opponent to deal with both, letting you utilize Vargoth's effect at least once on the next turn. That being said, if you use a cloning spell such as  Vivid Nightmare to control two Vargoth's at the end of your turn and Vargoth is the only minion you control, both will cast that same spell on one of your Vargoths, resulting in you ending your turn with 4 or more.

Spells that summon minions with taunt, such as  Feral Spirit and  Rain of Toads, can help protect Vargoth from enemy attacks when doubled (in addition to providing solid board presence for a low Mana cost). However, note that recasting Overload spells will double your Overload requirements as well, possibly leaving you with little to no mana during your next turn.

Archmage Vargoth doesn't work with Secrets, because it is not possible to have the same Secret active twice at the same time. Worse, if he attempts to recast a Secret, that Secret will be revealed to the opponent. With that in mind, it's often best to save casting Secrets until after Vargoth has left the field and instead focus on spells that Vargoth can exploit.

Twinspell cards add an additional copy of that spell to your hand when recast by Vargoth. For example, if you activate the Twinspell version of  Unleash the Beast, that will add another copy of Unleash the Beast to your hand, and at the end of your turn Vargoth will summon Unleash the Beast's 5/5 Rush minion while adding yet another copy of Unleash the Beast to your hand. Just keep in mind that this only works with the Twinspell version; in this instance, when casting the second copy of Unleash the Beast, while Vargoth will still summon another 5/5 Rush minion at the end of your turn, you won't get another copy of Unleash the Beast added to your hand.

In a similar fashion to Twinspell, if  Extra Arms is cast, he will add an additional copy of  More Arms! to your hand. If you utilize the combo from  Headcrack with Archmage Vargoth in play, at the end of your turn he will add an additional copy of  Headcrack to your hand.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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