View table: WikiCard

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Table structure:

  1. id - String
  2. variationOfDbfId - Integer
  3. build - Integer
  4. redirectsToPage - Page
  5. image - String
  6. imagePremium1 - String
  7. fullArt - String
  8. name - String
  9. multiClassGroupId - Integer
  10. classIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  11. text - Wikistring
  12. flavor - Wikistring
  13. cost - Integer
  14. attack - Integer
  15. health - Integer
  16. durability - Integer
  17. armor - Integer
  18. rarityId - Integer
  19. elite - Boolean
  20. setId - Integer
  21. legacySetName - String
  22. typeId - Integer
  23. raceIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  24. spellSchoolId - Integer
  25. artist - String
  26. voiceActor - String
  27. runeBlood - Integer
  28. runeFrost - Integer
  29. runeUnholy - Integer

This table has 98 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id variationOfDbfId build redirectsToPage image imagePremium1 fullArt name multiClassGroupId classIds text flavor cost attack health durability armor rarityId elite setId legacySetName typeId raceIds spellSchoolId artist voiceActor runeBlood runeFrost runeUnholy
Absolution (edit) WIKI_BCON_015_01 49,240 WIKI_BCON_015_01.png Release Coolant full.jpg Absolution 6 Give a minion +1/+1 and <b>Lifesteal</b>. 1 2 Basic 5 Raymond Swanland
Arcane Blast (removed) (edit) WIKI_ALPHA_04 WIKI_ALPHA_04.png Arcane_Blast_full.jpg Arcane Blast 4 Deal 1 damage. Draw a card. 1 2 2 Basic 5 Chippy
Arcane Flux (removed) (edit) WIKI_BCON_004_01 49,228 WIKI_BCON_004_01.png Arcane Flux (removed) full.jpg Arcane Flux 4 Cast a random Mage spell <i>(targets chosen randomly)</i>. Draw a card. 2 2 Basic 5 Clint Langley
Assassin's Training (removed) (edit) WIKI_BCON_016_01 49,241 WIKI_BCON_016_01.png Assassin's Training (removed) full.jpg Assassin's Training 7 Give a minion <b>Poisonous</b>. 1 2 Basic 5 Ishmael Hoover
Auto-Pecker 4000 (edit) WIKI_BCON2013_02 WIKI_BCON2013_02.png Auto-Pecker_4000_full.jpg Auto-Pecker 4000 12 Deal 1 damage to any player who mouses-over this minion. 1 1 1 1 4 Eric Browning
Axe of the Eclipse (edit) WIKI_BCON_026_02 49,251 WIKI_BCON_026_02.png Axe of the Eclipse full.jpg Axe of the Eclipse 10 <b>Battlecry:</b> Destroy all damaged minions. 5 4 2 2 Basic 7 Gonzalo Ordonez
Bethekk, the Panther (edit) WIKI_TRL_345_01 50,369 WIKI_TRL_345_01.png Goldrinn,_the_Great_Wolf_full.jpg Bethekk, the Panther 8 <b>Battlecry:</b> If you've cast 10 spells, deal 10 damage to all enemies. <i>{0} left!</i> 10 10 10 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5 20 Alex Horley Orlandelli
Bind to the Cause (edit) WIKI_BT_509 59,864 WIKI_BT_509.png Bind to the Cause full.jpg Bind to the Cause 14 Summon a Demon from your deck. Make it <b>Dormant</b> for 2 turns. 4 3 1,414 Ashes of Outland 5 Massive Black
Blood Boil (removed) (edit) WIKI_RLK_730_old 81,206 WIKI_RLK_730_old.png Blood Boil 1 <b>Lifesteal</b><br>Deal 2 damage to all enemies with <b>Leeching Plague.</b> 1 1 1,869 Path of Arthas 5 Chris Seaman
Blood Presence (edit) WIKI_DK_04 WIKI_DK_04.png Blood Presence 1 <b>Passive</b><br>Start with 3 Armor. 5 1,776 March of the Lich King 5 Arnie Swekel
Blood-caked Blade (edit) WIKI_DK_06 WIKI_DK_06.png Blood-caked Blade 1 After attacking a minion, apply <b>Leeching Plague</b> to the target and adjacent minions. 3 2 2 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 7
Bloody Tankguard (edit) WIKI_DK_11 WIKI_DK_11.png Bloody Tankguard 1 <b>Taunt</b><br><b>Battlecry:</b> Add a Leeching Plague to your hand. 2 2 3 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 4
Bone Shield (edit) WIKI_RLK_051_old 78,345 WIKI_RLK_051_old.png Bone Shield 1 Gain 5 Armor. Consume 3 <b>Corpses</b> to gain 5 more Armor and draw a card. 1 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 5
Boon of Elune (edit) WIKI_BCON_008_02 49,231 WIKI_BCON_008_02.png Boon of Elune full.jpg Boon of Elune 2 Add 4 Moonfires to your hand. 5 2 Basic 5 Stephen Crowe
Captain Scaleblade (edit) WIKI_TGT_01 WIKI_TGT_01.png Captain Scaleblade 12 <b>Charrrrrge</b><br>Costs (1) less for each friendly Pirate. 7 4 6 5 Yes 15 The Grand Tournament 4 23
Charged Stormhide (edit) WIKI_ChargedStormhide WIKI_ChargedStormhide.png Charged Stormhide 12 After a friendly minion is attacked, deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion. 5 4 5 3 1,525 Forged in the Barrens 4 20
Combust (edit) WIKI_BCON_024_02 49,249 WIKI_BCON_024_02.png Combust_full.jpg Combust 9 Destroy a minion. Deal 3 damage to all other characters.} 6 2 Basic 5 Grace Liu
Dark Summoner (edit) CS2_221_build3140 61 3,140 CS2_221_build3140.png CS2_221_Premium1_build3140.png Dark_Summoner_full.jpg Dark Summoner 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> The first minion you play each turn costs (3) less. 5 5 3 1 3 Experts 4 Chippy
Darkspear Hunter (edit) EX1_534_build3140 1,261 3,140 EX1_534_build3140.png EX1_534_Premium1_build3140.png Darkspear_Hunter_full.jpg Darkspear Hunter 3 Whenever you play a Beast, the Beast gains +1/+1. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion gets slowly consumed by hyenas. 2 2 2 1 3 Experts 4 Alex Horley Orlandelli
Death Wish (edit) EX1_410_build3140 546 3,140 EX1_410_build3140.png EX1_410_Premium1_build3140.png Death_Wish_full.jpg Death Wish 10 Your hero loses all Armor and gets +1 Attack this turn for each Armor lost. "What is a better weapon? The sharp one your enemies expect, or the blunt one they ignore?" - The Art of Warrior, Chapter 9 2 4 3 Experts 5 Jim Murray
DEBUG (edit) DEBUG 1,754 3,388 DEBUG.png DEBUG 12 Debug text 5 5 5 5 8 CHEAT 4
Demoralizing Roar (edit) EX1_161_build0 233 EX1_161_build0.png EX1_161_Premium1_build0.png Demoralizing_Roar_full.jpg Demoralizing Roar 2 Enemy minions get -3 Attack this turn. 1 1 3 Expert 5 Vance Kovacs
Destroy All (edit) WIKI_XXX_059_build8311 2,630 8,311 Destroy All Destroy Hero Power, Destory Deck, and Discard Hand. 0 8 CHEAT 5
Devouring Ooze (edit) WIKI_BCON2013_01 WIKI_BCON2013_01.png Devouring_Ooze_full.jpg Devouring Ooze 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> Gain +1/+1 for each game you've lost in a row. 3 1 1 4 Samwise Didier
Envenom (edit) CS2_233_build0 1,064 CS2_233_build0.png Envenom_full.jpg Envenom 7 Double your weapon's Attack this turn. 3 3 3 Experts 5 Bill Ruan
Ethereal Zug (edit) WIKI_DAL_741 52,900 WIKI_DAL_741.png Ethereal Zug 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> <b>Discover</b> a spell. 2 2 2 1,130 Rise of Shadows 4
Exhaust (debug card) (edit) WIKI_XXX_011 1,586 3,140 WIKI_XXX_011.png Eric Dodds (Edward the Odd) full.jpg Exhaust 12 Exhaust a character. 0 1 8 CHEAT 5 Zoltan & Gabor
Faceless Zug (edit) WIKI_DAL_613 53,160 WIKI_DAL_613.png Grimoire of Service full.jpg Faceless Zug 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> Set a minion's Attack and Health to 3. 2 2 2 1,130 Rise of Shadows 4 Mike Sass
Fade (edit) EX1_622_build3645 1,363 3,645 EX1_622_build3645.png EX1_622_Premium1_build3645.png Fade_full.jpg 6 Give your minions <b>Taunt</b>. Draw a card. "Where'd he go?" "Forget about him! Help me with this murloc!" 2 1 2 Expert 5 Ittoku Seta
Festering Pestilence (edit) Festering Pestilence 1,753 3,388 Festering Pestilence.png Festering Pestilence Debug text 0 0 0 4 8 CHEAT 4
Firebeard Herald (edit) WIKI_ALPHA_02 WIKI_ALPHA_02.png Firebeard_Herald_full_art.png Firebeard Herald 12 Your minions can't be <b>Frozen</b>. 1 1 3 3 4 Darrell K. Sweet
Flame of Azzinoth (removed) (edit) EX1_614t_build3140 1,751 44,222 EX1_614t_build3140.png EX1_614t_Premium1_build3140.png Flame of Azzinoth full.jpg Flame of Azzinoth 12 1 2 1 3 Classic 4 18 Luca Zontini
From Beyond (edit) WIKI_BCON_024_01 49,249 WIKI_BCON_024_01.png From Beyond full.jpg From Beyond 9 Draw 3 cards. At the end of your turn, discard them. 1 2 Basic 5 Vance Kovacs
Frost Presence (edit) WIKI_DK_03 WIKI_DK_03.png Frost Presence 1 <b>Passive</b><br>Start with an Icy Touch. 5 1,776 March of the Lich King 5 Dave Rapoza
Frost Wyrm (removed) (edit) WIKI_DK_07 WIKI_DK_07.png Sapphiron TCG.jpg Frost Wyrm 1 <b>Battlecry:</b> Deal 6 damage. Cast Iceshard Plague on all enemy minions. 9 8 8 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 4 11 James Ryman
Ghost (edit) WIKI_GIL_03 WIKI_GIL_03.png Ghost_full.jpg Ghost 12 <b>Ghostly</b> 1 2 2 1 1,125 The Witchwood Vance Kovacs
Gnomenapper (removed) (edit) WIKI_GIL_02 WIKI_GIL_02.png Gnomenapper_(Removed card)_full.jpg Gnomenapper 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> <b>Discover</b> a minion. If your opponent guesses your choice, they also get it. 5 5 5 4 1,125 The Witchwood Ralph Horsley
Goblin Zug (edit) WIKI_DAL_739 52,897 WIKI_DAL_739.png Goblin Zug 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> Give a minion +2 Attack and <b>Rush</b> this turn. 2 2 2 1,130 Rise of Shadows 4
Grand Poet Ezzera (edit) WIKI_BOT_04 48,203 WIKI_BOT_04.png Grand Poet Ezzera 6 <b>Battlecry:</b> Return any spells you cast on your minions this game to your hand. 7 4 5 5 Yes 1,127 The Boomsday Project 4
Greater Heal (edit) EX1_624_build3749 1,365 3,749 EX1_624_build3749.png EX1_624_Premium1_build3749.png Holy_Fire_full.jpg Greater Heal 7 Restore 2 Health to a character for each card in your opponent's hand. All the other Heals want to be this heal someday. 2 3 3 Expert 5 Miguel Coimbra
Grimoire of Service (edit) WIKI_TRL_Grimoire WIKI_TRL_Grimoire.png Grimoire of Service full.jpg Grimoire of Service 9 Choose a friendly minion. Add a copy to your hand, deck, and battlefield. 9 4 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5 Mike Sass
Grounding Totem (edit) WIKI_GroundingTotem 774 WIKI_GroundingTotem.png Grounding Totem 8 Your other minions can't be targeted by enemy spells or Hero Powers. 3 0 3 1 3 Expert 4 21
Half-dead Walrus (edit) WIKI_GIL_04 WIKI_GIL_04.png Half-dead Walrus_full.jpg Half-dead Walrus 12 <b>Taunt</b><br><b>Battlecry:</b> Add a <b>Ghostly</b> copy of this to your hand. 3 2 4 1 1,125 The Witchwood 20 Norrec
Hardboiled Constable (edit) WIKI_GIL_01 WIKI_GIL_01.png Hardboiled_Constable_full.jpg Hardboiled Constable 12 <b>Divine Shield</b><br><b>Battlecry:</b> <b>Investigate</b>. 4 3 2 1 1,125 The Witchwood Ralph Horsley
High Mezmerist Ezzera (edit) WIKI_BOT_05 48,203 WIKI_BOT_05.png High Mezmerist Ezzera_full.jpg High Mezmerist Ezzera 6 <b>Battlecry:</b> Reduce the cost of cards you copied from your opponent to (1). 6 6 6 5 Yes 1,127 The Boomsday Project 4 Chris Seaman
Howling Blast (removed) (edit) WIKI_RLK_015_old 78,317 WIKI_RLK_015_old.png Howling Blast 1 Deal 3 damage to a minion. <b>Freeze</b> and apply <b>Brittle Plague</b> to adjacent minions. 2 1 1,869 Path of Arthas 5 3
Iceshard Plague (edit) WIKI_DK_08 WIKI_DK_08.png Iceshard Plague 1 Infect an enemy minion. Whenever it takes damage, deal 1 damage to the enemy hero. 1 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 5 3
Icy Touch (removed) (edit) WIKI_RLK_038_old 78,334 WIKI_RLK_038_old.png Icy Touch 1 <b>Freeze</b> a minion and apply <b>Brittle Plague</b>. 0 1 1,869 Path of Arthas 5 3
Illidan Stormrage (removed) (edit) EX1_614_build3140 556 44,222 EX1_614_build3140.png EX1_614_Premium1_build3140.png Illidan Stormrage full.jpg Illidan Stormrage 12 Whenever you play a card, summon a 2/1 Flame of Azzinoth. Illidan's brother, Malfurion, imprisoned him beneath Hyjal for 10,000 years. Stormrages are not good at letting go of grudges. 6 7 5 3 Classic 4 15 Alex Horley Liam O'Brien
Infectious Rat (edit) WIKI_DK_12 WIKI_DK_12.png Infectious Rat 1 After this attacks, add an Undeath Plague to your hand. 2 1 4 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 4 20
Iver Bloodfist (edit) WIKI_DK_01 WIKI_DK_01.png Iver Bloodfist 1 <b>Taunt. Battlecry:</b> Apply <b>Leeching Plague</b> to the enemy hero. 4 2 6 5 1,776 March of the Lich King 4
Jadefire Satyr (edit) EX1_028_build3140 68 3,140 EX1_028_build3140.png EX1_028_Premium1_build3140.png Jadefire_Satyr_full.jpg Jadefire Satyr 12 <b>Stealth</b> 5 5 5 1 3 Experts 4 15 Alex Horley Orlandelli
Kobold Zug (edit) WIKI_DAL_614 53,161 WIKI_DAL_614.png Kobold Zug full.jpg Kobold Zug 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> Deal 3 damage randomly split among all enemies. 2 2 2 1,130 Rise of Shadows 4 Ben Olson
Leeching Plague (edit) WIKI_DK_10 WIKI_DK_10.png Leeching Plague 1 <b>Lifesteal.</b><br>Infect an enemy minion.<br>At the end of your turns, it takes 1 damage. 1 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 5 6
Magma Shock (edit) WIKI_BCON_021_02 49,246 WIKI_BCON_021_02.png Magma_Shock_full.jpg Magma Shock 8 <b>Silence</b> a minion, then deal 4 damage to it. 4 2 Basic 5 Jim Nelson
Mana Spring Totem (edit) CS2_053_build3140 818 3,140 CS2_053_build3140.png CS2_053_Premium1_build3140.png Mana_Spring_Totem_full.jpg Mana Spring Totem 8 Your cards cost (1) less. 4 0 1 4 3 Experts 4 21 Jim Nelson
Mass Resurrection (old) (edit) WIKI_BCON_015_02 49,240 WIKI_BCON_015_02.png Resurrection Mass (old) full.jpg Mass_Resurrection 6 Give your minions '<b>Deathrattle:</b> Resummon this minion.' 5 2 Basic 5 Richard Wright
MEGA-BLAST!!! (edit) WIKI_MEGABLAST WIKI_MEGABLAST.png MEGA-BLAST!!!_full.jpg MEGA-BLAST!!! 12 Deal 5 damage to all enemies. 10 5 3 Experts 5 Zoltan & Gabor
Mental Collapse (edit) EX1_335_build3140 886 3,140 EX1_335_build3140.png EX1_335_Premium1_build3140.png Mental_Collapse_full.jpg Mental Collapse 6 Deal 1 damage to the enemy hero for each card in his hand. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT!!!" 2 1 3 Expert 5 Lucio Parrillo
Mindspike (edit) WIKI_BCON_016_02 49,241 WIKI_BCON_016_02.png Mindspike_full.jpg Mindspike 7 Whenever you kill a minion with this, draw a card. 4 1 3 2 Basic 7 Jeff Kang
Mistress of Pain (removed) (edit) GVG_018_build31268 2,172 31,268 GVG_018_build31268.png GVG_018_Premium1_build31268.png Mistress_of_Pain_full.jpg Mistress of Pain 9 <b>Lifesteal</b> Her sister is the Mistress of Pane who sells windows and shower doors. 2 1 4 3 13 Goblins vs Gnomes 4 15 Carl Critchlow Misty Lee
Oldtown Beggar (edit) WIKI_ALPHA_01 WIKI_ALPHA_01.png Oldtown_Beggar_art.jpg Oldtown Beggar 12 At the end of your turn you have a 25% chance to draw a card. 1 1 1 1 4 Clint Langley
Overmind Kangor (edit) WIKI_BOT_03 48,637 WIKI_BOT_03.png Overmind Kangor 5 <b>Modular</b><br><b>Battlecry:</b> Fill your board with copies of this minion. 10 2 2 5 Yes 1,127 The Boomsday Project 4 17
Penance (removed) (edit) EX1_623_build3140 1,364 3,140 EX1_623_build3140.png EX1_623_Premium1_build3140.png Humble_Blessings_full.jpg Penance 6 Deal 3 damage. Restore 3 Health to your hero. 3 1 3 Expert 5 Zoltan Boros
Pestilence (edit) WIKI_DK_05 WIKI_DK_05.png Pesilence 1 Apply <b>Leeching Plague</b> to a minion. Spread all of their <b>Plagues</b> to all other enemy minions. 2 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 5 6 Dave Allsop
Placeholder Card (edit) PlaceholderCard 3,140 PlaceholderCard.png Placeholder Card Battlecry: Someone remembers to publish this card. 9 6 8 4 8 CHEAT 4
Power Cosmic (edit) WIKI_BCON_004_02 49,228 WIKI_BCON_004_02.png Power_Cosmic_full.jpg Power Cosmic 4 <b>Discover</b> a <b>Legendary</b> minion. 1 2 Basic 5
Prayer of Fortitude (edit) CS1_129_build3140 376 3,140 CS1_129_build3140.png CS1_129_Premium1_build3140.png Prayer_of_Fortitude_full.jpg Prayer of Fortitude 6 Give your minions +1/+1. <i>(+1 Attack/+1 Health)</i> 1 1 2 Basic 5 Ben Wootten
Prayer of Fortitude (edit) CS1_129e_build3140 650 3,140 Fortitude 6 This minion has +1/+1. 2 6
Puddlejumper (edit) WIKI_ALPHA_03 WIKI_ALPHA_03.png Puddlejumper_full.jpg Puddlejumper 12 Murlocs cost 1 less. 1 2 1 3 4 James Zhang
Quest for Epic Loot (edit) WIKI_UNG_940 41,494 WIKI_UNG_940.png Quest_for_Epic_Loot_full.jpg Quest for Epic Loot 6 When this is the only card in your hand, transform this into Epic Loot. 0 5 Yes 5 Tyler Walpole
Refreshing Jolt (edit) WIKI_BCON_021_01 49,246 WIKI_BCON_021_01.png Refreshing_Jolt_full.jpg Refreshing Jolt 8 Deal 4 damage to an enemy; or Restore 8 Health to a friendly character. 3 2 Basic 5 Brandon Kitkouski
Relic of Hope (edit) WIKI_BCON_012_02 49,237 WIKI_BCON_012_02.png Relic_of_Hope_full.jpg Relic of Hope 5 When you draw this, transform it into a random Paladin spell. 0 2 Basic 5 Graven Tung
Reload (edit) WIKI_BCON_001_01 49,225 WIKI_BCON_001_01.png Reload_full.jpg 3 Discard your hand. Draw 3 cards. 2 2 Basic 5 Graven Tung
Retribution (edit) WIKI_BCON_012_01 49,237 WIKI_BCON_012_01.png Retribution_full.jpg Retribution 5 <b>Secret:</b> When an enemy attacks your hero, deal 4 damage to it. 1 2 Basic 5 Andrew Robinson
Satyr Bruiser (edit) WIKI_SatyrBruiser WIKI_SatyrBruiser.png Satyr Bruiser full.jpg Satyr Bruiser 14 <b>Battlecry:</b> Consume 2 <b>Fury</b> to gain +2/+2. 4 4 4 1 1,414 Ashes of Outland 4 15 Massive Black
Scrap Reaver (edit) WIKI_BOT_02 48,717 WIKI_BOT_02.png Scrap Reaver_full.jpg Scrap Reaver 9 <b>Battlecry:</b> Swap the Attack and Cost of all minions in your hand. 6 6 6 5 Yes 1,127 The Boomsday Project 4 17 Eric Browning
Shrine to Gonk (edit) WIKI_TRL_223_01 49,944 WIKI_TRL_223_01.png Shrine to Gonk 2 Can't attack or be attacked. Your hero has <b>Windfury</b>. 3 0 4 3 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 4
Shrine to Hir'eek (edit) WIKI_TRL_251_01 50,025 WIKI_TRL_251_01.png Shrine to Hir'eek 9 Can't attack or be attacked. Your spells cost Health instead of Mana. 5 0 5 3 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 4
Shrine to Krag'wa (edit) WIKI_TRL_060_01 49,804 WIKI_TRL_060_01.png Eerie Stone full.jpg Shrine to Krag'wa 10 Can't attack. Whenever you draw a minion, summon a copy of it. 6 2 8 3 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 4
Shrine to Shirvallah (edit) WIKI_TRL_309_01 50,031 WIKI_TRL_309_01.png Shrine to Shirvallah 5 Can't attack or be attacked. Your spells cast twice. 6 0 4 3 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 4
Succubus (removed) (edit) EX1_306_build31268 592 31,268 EX1_306_build31268.png EX1_306_Premium1_build31268.png Succubus_full.jpg Succubus 9 <b>Battlecry:</b> Discard a random card. Warlocks have it pretty good. 2 4 3 2 2 Basic 4 15 Matt Dixon
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_241_01 49,985 Gonk, the Raptor Ancient of War full.jpg Gonk, the Raptor 2 Your hero has "<b>Overkill:</b> Refresh your Mana Crystals." 8 5 5 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5 Sean O'Daniels
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_253_01 50,034 Hir'eek, the Bat Sporlar_full.jpg Hir'eek, the Bat 9 Your hero can only take 1 damage at a time. 10 10 10 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 4 Miki Nohm
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_253_02 50,034 Hir'eek, the Bat Sporlar_full.jpg Hir'eek, the Bat 9 On your turn, damage your hero takes refreshes Mana Crystals instead. 5 4 7 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 4 20 Miki Nohm
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_308_01 50,126 High Priest Thekal High Priest Thekal 5 Damage dealt to this minion is dealt to your hero instead. 3 3 1 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_316_01 50,088 Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk 4 <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon every minion you've killed with your Hero Power. 6 4 4 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_316_02 50,088 Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk 4 <b>Spell Damage +3</b><br>Spell Damage affects your Hero Power. 6 4 4 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_345_02 50,369 Krag'wa, the Frog Krag'wa the Frog 10 <b>Battlecry:</b> Draw the 3 highest Cost minions from your deck. 8 7 7 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5
Template:WikiCard table/store1 (edit) WIKI_TRL_541_01 50,454 Hakkar, the Soulflayer Hakkar, the Soulflayer 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> Shuffle a Corrupted Blood into your opponent's deck. 10 8 8 5 Yes 1,129 Rastakhan's Rumble 5
The Omnireaper (edit) WIKI_BOT_01 48,159 WIKI_BOT_01.png The_Omnireaper_full.jpg The Omnireaper 7 <b>Battlecry:</b> Repeat all your Deathrattle effects that happened this game. 8 6 6 5 Yes 1,127 The Boomsday Project 4 17 Matt Cavotta
Thornstrike (edit) WIKI_BCON_008_01 49,231 WIKI_BCON_008_01.png Thornstrike full.jpg Thornstrike 2 <b>Choose One -</b> Deal 2 damage to a minion; or 1 damage to all enemy minions. 2 2 Basic 5 Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
Training Blade (edit) WIKI_BCON_026_01 49,251 WIKI_BCON_026_01.png Training Blade full.jpg Training Blade 10 <b>Deathrattle:</b> Add a random weapon to your hand. 1 1 3 2 Basic 7 Wei Chen
Undeath Plague (edit) WIKI_DK_09 WIKI_DK_09.png Undeath Plague 1 Infect an enemy minion. When it dies, raise a 2/2 Ghoul with <b>Rush.</b> 1 1 1,776 March of the Lich King 5 6
Unholy Presence (edit) WIKI_DK_02 WIKI_DK_02.png Unholy Presence 1 <b>Passive</b><br>Start with 2 <b>Corpses.</b> 5 1,776 March of the Lich King 5 Christopher Moeller
Volley (edit) WIKI_BCON_001_02 49,225 WIKI_BCON_001_02.png Volley_full.jpg 3 Add 3 random shot spells to your hand. 4 2 Basic 5 Jim Nelson & Carl Critchlow
Witchy Zug (edit) WIKI_DAL_615 53,162 WIKI_DAL_615.png Witchy Zug full.jpg Witchy Zug 12 <b>Battlecry:</b> Transform a minion into a random one that costs (2) more. 2 2 2 1,130 Rise of Shadows 4 Alex Horley
Worldflipper X-50 (edit) WIKI_BCON2013_03 WIKI_BCON2013_03.png Goblins_vs_Gnomes_trailer_13.jpg Worldflipper X-50 12 Flip your opponent's screen upside down. 1 0 3 4 Mike Nicholson