Obsidian Destroyer

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Obsidian Destroyer is a common warrior minion card, from the The League of Explorers set.

How to get

AdventureComplete the Warrior's class challenge in The League of ExplorersRegular2
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 40 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 400 Dust.pngGolden1

Related cards

LOE 009t.png




Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.

The entities known as obsidian destroyers are actually enslaved titan constructs that were once called the tol'vir. The tol'vir were created to maintain titan lore repositories and titan machinery surrounding the titan cities of Ulduar and Uldum. Not long after the troll empires divided the insectoid kingdom of the aqir, the aqir that travelled north discovered and overthrew the tol'vir society in Northrend. These aqir would eventually become the race we know as the nerubians today, having adapted the tol'vir's architecture for their own purposes. Similarly, the aqir that travelled south ransacked and overthrew a titan research station near Uldum, renaming themselves the qiraji and calling their new home Ahn'Qiraj. The Scourge eventually consumed the nerubian empire and threw its few remaining tol'vir slaves into the front lines. Now known as obsidian statues, the tol'vir were often used as figureheads at the forefront of many undead armies after the Third War, inspiring awe and fear in the enemy ranks. Obsidian statues, however, were also able to break free of the obsidian stone that held them and fly into battle, swallowing magic to feed their insatiable hunger as they moved between battles and rained destruction down upon their foes.



Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes

  • The League of Explorers logo.png Patch (2015-12-04):
    • Unlock requirement is now: "Unlocked in the Temple of Orsis, in the League of Explorers adventure." (previously: no special unlock requirement).
    • Golden card unlock requirement is now: "Crafting unlocked in the Temple of Orsis, in the League of Explorers adventure." (previously: no special unlock requirement).

External links

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2015-12-29).