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You might be looking for one of these cards: Mercenaries/Tyrael (86524), Mercenaries/Tyrael (86525).

Tyrael is a collectible fighter mercenary card.

Level stats

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Max[?]
Attack 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12
Health 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 75


Divine Bladestrike

Tiers by image
Divine Bladestrike 1
0 Coins
Divine Bladestrike 2
50 Coins
Divine Bladestrike 3
125 Coins
Divine Bladestrike 4
150 Coins
Divine Bladestrike {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Attack an enemy. Holy Combo: Deal 6 damage to them. 5 0
2 Attack an enemy. Holy Combo: Deal 10 damage to them. 5 50
3 Attack an enemy. Holy Combo: Deal 13 damage to them. 5 125
4 Attack an enemy. Holy Combo: Deal 14 damage to them. 5 150
5 Attack an enemy. Holy Combo: Deal 15 damage to them. 5 150

Holy Judgment

Tiers by image
Holy Judgment 1
0 Coins
Holy Judgment 2
50 Coins
Holy Judgment 3
125 Coins
Holy Judgment 4
150 Coins
Holy Judgment {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Deal 3 damage to an enemy. Holy Combo: Freeze them. 5 1 0
2 Deal 6 damage to an enemy. Holy Combo: Freeze them. 5 1 50
3 Deal 8 damage to an enemy. Holy Combo: Freeze them. 5 1 125
4 Deal 9 damage to an enemy. Holy Combo: Freeze them. 5 1 150
5 Deal 10 damage to an enemy. Holy Combo: Freeze them. 5 1 150

Angelic Protection

Tiers by image
Angelic Protection 1
0 Coins
Angelic Protection 2
50 Coins
Angelic Protection 3
125 Coins
Angelic Protection 4
150 Coins
Angelic Protection {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Gain Taunt for 2 turns. Holy Combo: Other friendly characters take 3 less damage next turn. 5 0
2 Gain Taunt for 2 turns. Holy Combo: Other friendly characters take 6 less damage next turn. 5 50
3 Gain Taunt for 2 turns. Holy Combo: Other friendly characters take 8 less damage next turn. 5 125
4 Gain Taunt for 2 turns. Holy Combo: Other friendly characters take 9 less damage next turn. 5 150
5 Gain Taunt for 2 turns. Holy Combo: Other friendly characters take 10 less damage next turn. 5 150



Tiers by image
El'druin 1
0 Coins
El'druin 2
100 Coins
El'druin 3
150 Coins
El'druin {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Divine Bladestrike deals 2 more damage. 0
2 Divine Bladestrike deals 3 more damage. 100
3 Divine Bladestrike deals 4 more damage. 150
4 Divine Bladestrike deals 5 more damage. 175

Blinding Gauntlets

Tiers by image
Blinding Gauntlets 1
0 Coins
Blinding Gauntlets 2
100 Coins
Blinding Gauntlets 3
150 Coins
Blinding Gauntlets {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Holy Judgment Combo also gives the enemy -4 Attack permanently. 0
2 Holy Judgment Combo also gives the enemy -4 Attack permanently. 100
3 Holy Judgment Combo also gives the enemy -4 Attack permanently. 150
4 Holy Judgment Combo also gives the enemy -5 Attack permanently. 175

Crown of Purity

Tiers by image
Crown of Purity 1
0 Coins
Crown of Purity 2
100 Coins
Crown of Purity 3
150 Coins
Crown of Purity {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Passive: Your characters have +2 Fel Resistance. 0
2 Passive: Your characters have +3 Fel Resistance. 100
3 Passive: Your characters have +4 Fel Resistance. 150
4 Passive: Your characters have +5 Fel Resistance. 175



Tyrael has these portraits, each can be obtained by meeting one of the criterias mentioned in the caption of the preview image.

LT23 029H 03 MercPortrait2.png
Open Mercenaries Packs;
Claim for free in the Shop
LT23 029H 03 MercPortrait1.png
Open Mercenaries Packs;
Claim for free in the Shop
LT23 029H 02 MercPortrait1.png
Open Mercenaries Packs;
Claim for free in the Shop
LT23 029H 01 MercPortrait1.png
Open Mercenaries Packs;
Claim for free in the Shop
LT23 029H 01 MercPortrait0.png
Open Mercenaries Packs;
500 Tyrael Coins;
Claim for free in the Shop

Coin loots

Tyrael Coins can be obtained by opening Mercenaries Packs or completing one of these bounties which have higher chance to drop them.

The Barrens
LT23 825H MercPortrait0.png


Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
TyraelTask 1: The Fallen StarDeal 55 damage using Divine Bladestrike.20 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Tyrael Coins▶️Together we will protect the innocent.
TyraelTask 2: The Great LieComplete Cow King bounty with Tyrael in The Barrens.Equipment:  Blinding Gauntlets 1▶️Many heroes have sacrificed a lot to protect this world, but there is still much to be done.
TyraelTask 3: Storm of LightDeal 50 damage using Holy Judgment.25 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Tyrael Coins▶️No evil shall escape our sight.
TyraelTask 4: Strike with ZealDeal 150 damage.30 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Tyrael Coins▶️Blood of the fallen demands justice!
TyraelTask 5: Shadows in the FrostDeal 150 damage.35 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Tyrael Coins▶️Will you aid me?
TyraelTask 6: Hordes UnendingDestroy 40 minions.40 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Tyrael Coins▶️Wicked shall fall before the righteous!
TyraelTask 7: The Great ConflictComplete 2 Heroic Bounties.35 Random coinrandom coins, 55 Tyrael Coins▶️Prepare yourself--reckoning is at hand.
TyraelTask 8: The Waters of WisdomUse Angelic Protection 10 times.30 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Tyrael Coins▶️Pursuit of justice never ends.
TyraelTask 9: Sanctuary's GraceDeal 180 Holy Damage with a team that includes this Mercenary.35 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Tyrael Coins▶️I am Justice itself!
TyraelTask 10: The Dark ExileComplete Heroic Neeru Fireblade Bounty with Tyrael in The Barrens.40 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Tyrael Coins▶️Your presence fills me with hope.
TyraelTask 11: Burn the DarknessDeal 450 damage.45 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Tyrael Coins▶️Blood of the fallen demands justice!
TyraelTask 12: The Return of EvilComplete Heroic Lord Banehollow with Tyrael in Felwood.50 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Tyrael Coins▶️No evil shall escape our sight.
TyraelTask 13: The Sin WarComplete 4 Heroic Bounties.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Tyrael Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins▶️Prepare yourself--reckoning is at hand.
TyraelTask 14: Through Mortal EyesDeal 900 damage with Humans with a team that includes this Mercenary.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Tyrael Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️It is good to see you again, mortal.
TyraelTask 15: No RespiteComplete 6 Bounties.75 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Tyrael Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️Will you aid me?
TyraelTask 16: Reaper of SoulsComplete Heroic Louis Philips with Tyrael in Alterac Valley.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 70 Tyrael Coins▶️No evil shall escape our sight.
TyraelTask 17: DemonsbaneDefeat 40 Demons.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 75 Tyrael Coins▶️Wicked shall fall before the righteous!
TyraelTask 18: A New DawnDeal 450 damage to Heroic bosses.80 Tyrael Coins, CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack▶️The light of justice shines on this realm once again. Well done, mortal.
(18 results)

How to get

Tyrael is currently unavailable for obtaining.

Previous availability

Tyrael used to be obtainable through these means.

Custom Claim for free in the Shop starting from June 1, 2022 until June 1, 2022.[1]Random 311 1
Custom Claim for free in the Shop starting from June 1, 2022 until July 26, 2022.[1]Regular 559 1


External links

References[edit | edit source]