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Archimonde is a collectible caster mercenary card.

Level stats

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Max[?]
Attack 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10
Health 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 31 33 35 38 40 42 45 47 50 52 54 57 59 61 64 66 69 71 73 76 78 81 86


Finger of Death

Tiers by image
Finger of Death 1
0 Coins
Finger of Death 2
50 Coins
Finger of Death 3
125 Coins
Finger of Death 4
150 Coins
Finger of Death {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Deal 3 damage. Gain +1 Fel Damage. 4 0
2 Deal 7 damage. Gain +2 Fel Damage. 4 50
3 Deal 10 damage. Gain +3 Fel Damage. 4 125
4 Deal 11 damage. Gain +3 Fel Damage. 4 150
5 Deal 12 damage. Gain +3 Fel Damage. 4 150

Rain of Chaos

Tiers by image
Rain of Chaos 1
0 Coins
Rain of Chaos 2
50 Coins
Rain of Chaos 3
125 Coins
Rain of Chaos 4
150 Coins
Rain of Chaos {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Deal 8 damage to all enemies. Your Legion characters are (1) Speed faster next turn. 6 1 0
2 Deal 12 damage to all enemies. Your Legion characters are (2) Speed faster next turn. 6 1 50
3 Deal 16 damage to all enemies. Your Legion characters are (3) Speed faster next turn. 6 1 125
4 Deal 17 damage to all enemies. Your Legion characters are (3) Speed faster next turn. 6 1 150
5 Deal 18 damage to all enemies. Your Legion characters are (3) Speed faster next turn. 6 1 150


Tiers by image
Doomfire 1
0 Coins
Doomfire 2
50 Coins
Doomfire 3
125 Coins
Doomfire 4
150 Coins
Doomfire {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Give all enemies +3 Fel Weakness this turn. Deal 2 damage to them after they act. 3 1 0
2 Give all enemies +4 Fel Weakness this turn. Deal 4 damage to them after they act. 3 1 50
3 Give all enemies +5 Fel Weakness this turn. Deal 6 damage to them after they act. 3 1 125
4 Give all enemies +5 Fel Weakness this turn. Deal 8 damage to them after they act. 3 1 150
5 Give all enemies +5 Fel Weakness this turn. Deal 10 damage to them after they act. 3 1 150


The Infernal Codex

Tiers by image
The Infernal Codex 1
0 Coins
The Infernal Codex 2
100 Coins
The Infernal Codex 3
150 Coins
The Infernal Codex {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Finger of Death gains "Deathblow: Gain +1 Fel Damage." 0
2 Finger of Death gains "Deathblow: Gain +2 Fel Damage." 100
3 Finger of Death gains "Deathblow: Gain +3 Fel Damage." 150
4 Finger of Death gains "Deathblow: Gain +4 Fel Damage." 175

Edict of Argus

Tiers by image
Edict of Argus {0}
0 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
4 Doomfire's Fel Weakness is permanent. 0

Archimonde's Gold Coin

Tiers by image
Archimonde's Gold Coin 1
0 Coins
Archimonde's Gold Coin 2
100 Coins
Archimonde's Gold Coin 3
150 Coins
Archimonde's Gold Coin {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Passive: After a Demon dies, restore 4 Health to friendly Demons. 0
2 Passive: After a Demon dies, restore 6 Health to friendly Demons. 100
3 Passive: After a Demon dies, restore 8 Health to friendly Demons. 150
4 Passive: After a Demon dies, restore 10 Health to friendly Demons. 175



Archimonde has these portraits, each can be obtained by meeting one of the criterias mentioned in the caption of the preview image.

LT24 019H 01 MercPortrait0.png
Open Mercenaries Packs;
300 Archimonde Coins

Coin loots

Archimonde Coins can be obtained by opening Mercenaries Packs or completing one of these bounties which have higher chance to drop them.

The Darkmoon Troupe
LT23 821H MercPortrait0.png
The Darkmoon Troupe
LT24 810H MercPortrait0.png
LT24 813H MercPortrait0.png
Blackrock Mountain
LT24 817H MercPortrait0.png


Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
ArchimondeTask 1: Doom Has ComeUse Finger of Death 5 times.20 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Archimonde Coins▶️Tremble mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!
ArchimondeTask 2: Wipe Them OutUse Rain of Chaos 5 times.Equipment:  Archimonde's Gold Coin 1▶️Eradicate my enemies at once.
ArchimondeTask 3: Fire and BrimstoneUse Doomfire 5 times.25 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Archimonde Coins▶️Tonight we will FEAST!
ArchimondeTask 4: Mortal FailingsDeal 150 damage.30 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Archimonde Coins▶️Do not fail me, mortal.
ArchimondeTask 5: My Power GrowsComplete a bounty while at level 30.35 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Archimonde Coins▶️The time for subtlety has passed.
ArchimondeTask 6: Scorched Earth PolicyDestroy 20 minions.40 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Archimonde Coins▶️Scorch the earth beneath them.
ArchimondeTask 7: Command and ConquerComplete 2 Heroic Bounties.35 Random coinrandom coins, 55 Archimonde Coins▶️Do my bidding or fall trying.
ArchimondeTask 8: Rise of the FelUse Finger of Death 7 times.30 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Archimonde Coins▶️The Burning Legion’s conquest is eternal.
ArchimondeTask 9: Eternal OnslaughtUse Rain of Chaos 7 times.35 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Archimonde Coins▶️Our work is almost complete. Continue the onslaught.
ArchimondeTask 10: No EscapeUse Doomfire 7 times.40 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Archimonde Coins▶️It is time, mortal. Gather my forces and lead the charge.
ArchimondeTask 11: Eradicate AllDeal 450 damage.45 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Archimonde Coins▶️Eradicate my enemies at once.
ArchimondeTask 12: A Well Earned RespiteVisit a Mystery Node, Boon, or Spirit Healer 2 times50 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Archimonde Coins▶️Tonight we will FEAST!
ArchimondeTask 13: Back in ActionComplete 4 Heroic Bounties.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Archimonde Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins▶️Do not fail me, mortal.
ArchimondeTask 14: Lack of SubtletyDeal 450 damage.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Archimonde Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️The time for subtlety has passed.
ArchimondeTask 15: Crushing VictoryComplete 6 Bounties.75 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Archimonde Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️Scorch the earth beneath them.
ArchimondeTask 16: Extinction EventDestroy 40 minions.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 70 Archimonde Coins▶️Do my bidding or fall trying.
ArchimondeTask 17: Conquer AllComplete 5 Heroic Bounties.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 75 Archimonde Coins▶️The Burning Legion’s conquest is eternal.
ArchimondeTask 18: Victory for the LegionDeal 450 damage to Heroic bosses.80 Archimonde Coins, CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack▶️You did well, my servant. Let the echoes of doom forever resound across this wretched world.
(18 results)

External links