Vlad Botos

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Vlad Botos is an artist for the cards listed here.



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Collectible Constructed cards
Collectible Constructed cards
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SCH 427.png
BAR 705.png
GIFT 12.png
ETC 076.png
DEEP 011.png
GIFT 07.png
RLK 079.png
SW 441.png
BT 199.png
GIL 663.png
TTN 854.png
DAL 571.png
BAR 306.png
RLK 051.png
RLK 113.png
YOD 015.png
WW 341.png
WW 335.png
VAC 330.png
BOT 286.png
MAW 006.png
WW 334.png
TSC 057.png
REV 334.png
TTN 908.png
VAC 952.png
TTN 465.png
MIS 919.png
REV 900.png
ETC 506.png
BOT 508.png
UPCOMING 105500.png
WON 040.png
TRL 550.png


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Uncollectible Constructed cards
Uncollectible Constructed cards
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ETC 076t.png
HERO 11bpt.png
TTN 465t.png
ULD 140p.png
TSC 057t.png
ETC 506t.png
SW 433t3a.png


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Duels cards
Duels cards
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PVPDR RLK Sai HP1t.png
PVPDR GUEST Diablot5.png
PVPDR GUEST Diablot6s4.png
PVPDR YOP MageT1.png

Tavern Brawl cards

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Tavern Brawl cards
Tavern Brawl cards
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THD 022p.png
THD 003hpt.png
TB Henchmania MyraH.png

Boss cards

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Boss cards
Boss cards
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BOM 07 Blue 004t.png
BOTA BOSS 14p.png
Story 09 TombGuardian 008p.png
BOM 07 Green 004t.png
BOM 10 Memorial 001p.png
Story 11 LightningBloom.png
BOM 07 Scabbs Thelwater 004p.png
BOM 10 Memorial 001hb.png
BOM 05 Xyrella 006p.png
BOM 07 Orange 004t.png
BOM 07 Red 004t.png
Story 11 Sundering 011hb.png
DALA 741.png
BOM 07 Violet 004t.png
BOM 07 Scabbs 004t.png
TRLA 147.png
RLK Prologue RLK 079.png
BOM 10 ShardOfTheNaaru 008s.png
BOM 03 VoidShard 07t.png
BOM 01 Feegly 07p.png
RLK Prologue RLK 051.png
GILA BOSS 99t3.png
GILA BOSS 99t2.png
RLK Prologue RLK 113.png
Story 10 EyeofSargeras.png
BOM 01 PrideOfTheFrostwolves 0.png
BOM 03 Naralex 08p.png
Story 11 Vortex.png
BOM 07 PickTheLock 004s.png
BOM 07 SubtleButter 005s.png
BOM 03 GuffTrips 01s.png

Other cards

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Other cards
Other cards
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CRED 298.png

Battlegrounds[edit source]


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Battlegrounds minions
Battlegrounds minions
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BG25 033 Battlegrounds.png
BG20 102 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 147 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 922 Battlegrounds.png
BG25 046 Battlegrounds.png
BG20 202 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 152 Battlegrounds.png
BG29 844 Battlegrounds.png
BG20 205 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 537 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 148 Battlegrounds.png
BG26 175 Battlegrounds.png
BG27 010 Battlegrounds.png

Others[edit source]

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Battlegrounds cards
Battlegrounds cards
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BG20 HERO 666p t6a.png
BG27 Anomaly 102.png
BG20 HERO 666p t6b.png
BG20 HERO 666p t4b.png
BG20 HERO 666p t4a.png
BG27 Anomaly 104t9.png
BG20 HERO 666p t6c.png
BG20 HERO 666p t4c.png
BGS Treasures 029.png
BG24 Reward 107.png
BG24 Reward 115.png
BG20 HERO 666p t6d.png
BG20 HERO 666p t4d.png
BG24 Quest 120.png
BG27 Anomaly 101.png
BG24 Reward 135.png
BG21 HERO 010p.png
TB BaconShop HP 041k.png

Mercenaries[edit source]


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Mercenaries abilities
Mercenaries abilities
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And The Killer Is! {0}
And The Killer Is! 1
And The Killer Is! 2
And The Killer Is! 3
And The Killer Is! 4
Fel Volley {0}


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Mercenaries equipments
Mercenaries equipments
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Black Soulstone {0}
Black Soulstone 1
Black Soulstone 2
Black Soulstone 3
The Infernal Codex {0}
The Infernal Codex 1
The Infernal Codex 2
The Infernal Codex 3

Other cards[edit source]

Removed cards - Known identifier

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Removed cards
Removed cards
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LETL 971 02.png
LETL 971 03.png
LETL 971 04.png
LETL 971 05.png

External links