Illidan Stormrage (mage)

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For other uses of Illidan Stormrage, see Illidan Stormrage (disambiguation).

Illidan Stormrage is a hero that the player can control during the  Azzinoth and Xavius encounter in the Demon Hunter Prologue adventure.

Also a playable hero of Return of the Hero challenge currently.

For more information, see  Azzinoth, Xavius, Return of the Hero.

Hero powers[edit | edit source]

Demon Claws

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Malfurion Stormrage
Tyrande Whisperwind
Hakkar the Houndmaster

Lore[edit | edit source]

This hero represents a younger  Illidan Stormrage back when he was a sorcerer, before making his deal with the Dark Titan, Sargeras.

Emotes[edit | edit source]

Illidan Stormrage, full art

Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events. For more information, see Emote.

Type Emote
Thanks My thanks.
Well Played You possess true power.
Greetings Ishnu-alah.
Wow How is it even possible?
Oops A blunder?
Threaten Are you provoking me?
Attack None may challenge me!
Concede I yield — for now.
Thinking [1] Demons? Demons.
Thinking [2] I grow impatient.
Thinking [3] Hm...
Almost out of cards Not many cards left...
Out of cards I am out of cards!
Error: Too many minions I command too many.
Error: Generic I can't do that.
Error: Hand already full My hand is full!
Error: Hero already attacked I already struck!
Error: Minion not ready That one is NOT prepared.
Error: Minion exhausted It cannot attack again.
Error: Not enough mana My mana is too low.
Error: Need a weapon Not possible.
Error: Can't play that card I cannot...
Error: Can't target stealthed minions That one lurks in stealth.
Error: Not a valid target Cannot target.
Error: Must attack taunt minion Another taunts me! ME!

Patch changes