The Innkeeper

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Medal ranked 1.png
For the card, see  Harth Stonebrew.
Everyone’s welcome at my inn! There’s rarely a dull moment around here.[1]

Harth Stonebrew,[1] better known as the Innkeeper, is the dwarven patron of the tavern in which games of Hearthstone take place. Players can play against him in Practice mode. He also acts as voice-over "announcer" for the game's tutorial battles and events such as disconnects, as well as introducing the player to some of the game's mechanics, such as completing their first Arena run. The Innkeeper has also served as announcer for matches in the Hearthstone World Championship.[2]

"Innkeeper" is also the name for Diamond 1 (old Rank 1) in Ranked Play mode, which bears the Innkeeper's likeness.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Welcome Quotes[edit | edit source]

Welcome Quotes
Quote Added during Status
▶️Welcome to my inn! Original In use
▶️Busy night... but there's always room for another! Original In use
▶️Pull up a chair by the hearth! Original In use
▶️Welcome back! Original In use
▶️Ohohoho - it's good to see you again! Original In use
▶️Ha, find a seat if you can! Original In use
Boys - look who it is! Original Removed
Come in, and shut the door, it's cold out there! Curse of Naxxramas Removed
Welcome! Boys, make some room by the hearth, won't you? Curse of Naxxramas Removed
Warm your frozen boots by the fire! Curse of Naxxramas Removed
Have you seen the weather out there? Ohh! At least it's warm in here! Curse of Naxxramas Removed
▶️There you are! Back from your adventures? The League of Explorers In use
▶️Oh! I can tell you have some new stories tonight! The League of Explorers In use
Come in, come in! Tell me about your travels! The League of Explorers Removed
Everyone - get in here and say hello! The League of Explorers Removed
Ready for an adventure? The League of Explorers Removed
Oh, you're back! Let me get you a drink! The League of Explorers Removed
What treasures are you seeking today? The League of Explorers Removed
The inn is brimming with explorers tonight! The League of Explorers Removed
Hahaha... Forget what frightens you, and find a table! Whispers of the Old Gods Removed
I'm glad you're here, friend, there's a chill outside. Whispers of the Old Gods Removed
Oh it's dark out there, come in where it's bright. Whispers of the Old Gods Removed
The inn is oozing with cheer today! Whispers of the Old Gods Removed
Do you hear whispers? Och, let me shut the windows. Whispers of the Old Gods Removed
The inn is really coming to life today! One Night in Karazhan Removed
Exciting night? Woah, tell me about it! One Night in Karazhan Removed
The party's already started. Come on in! One Night in Karazhan Removed
Welcome to the party! One Night in Karazhan Removed
▶️Where have your journeys taken ya? Mean Streets of Gadgetzan In use
Careful out there after dark. Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Removed
Come in off the streets, you'll be safe and warm! Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Removed
Isn't a big city marvelous? Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Removed
Come on in! ... but, no shenanigans, eh? Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Removed
Hurry in, before someone steals your seat! Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Removed
▶️You're back! Come tell us a story or two. Journey to Un'Goro In use
▶️Hold on to your mug, we're in for a wild night! Journey to Un'Goro In use
It's a jungle out there, come in and cool off! Journey to Un'Goro Removed
Ohh, something special's cooking tonight. Journey to Un'Goro Removed
Here, have a seat. You must be ravenous! Journey to Un'Goro Removed
Welcome back! What have you unearthed today? Journey to Un'Goro Removed
You look dead tired. Come in, relax. Knights of the Frozen Throne Removed
Come in! Tonight we're throwing a party fit for a king. Knights of the Frozen Throne Removed
There's a deathly chill in the air! Ooh, come inside where it's warm. Knights of the Frozen Throne Removed
There you are, the life of the party! Knights of the Frozen Throne Removed
▶️Come on in! Spend an evening by the fire! Kobolds & Catacombs In use
▶️Come, sit awhile and relax! Kobolds & Catacombs In use
▶️The tavern's always open! Kobolds & Catacombs In use
Don't be scared. Come in, have a seat! The Witchwood Removed
You've been on the run all day. Relax! Take a seat. The Witchwood Removed
You'd best come inside, the wind is really howling out there! The Witchwood Removed
After a long day of work, it’s nice to be among friends. Saviors of Uldum Removed
Hello! Today’s a good day to do some exploring. Saviors of Uldum Removed
▶️Come in, friend! Everyone's welcome here. Galakrond's Awakening In use
▶️Come in! There's always something new here in the end. Ashes of Outland In use
Lots of fun stuff happening in the Tavern tonight! Are ye prepared? Ashes of Outland Removed
Don't be alarmed but, there are demon hunters about. Ashes of Outland Removed
▶️We're glad to have you here. You're part of the magic of this place. Scholomance Academy In use
▶️Oh, come on in. There's magic in the air here tonight. Scholomance Academy Removed
▶️Tough day hitting the book? Come, relax by the fire! Scholomance Academy Removed
▶️Welcome! This is where the magic happens. Scholomance Academy Removed
It's good to see ya again. This place is barren without ya. Forged in the Barrens Removed
Welcome! Shake the dust off and have a seat. Forged in the Barrens Removed
Come in! A whole horde of opponents is waiting for you, heeheehee... Forged in the Barrens Removed
Welcome to the Barrens! It's my favorite place to have a nice... chat... hm. Forged in the Barrens Removed
Welcome to the inn, where heroes are forged! Forged in the Barrens Removed
Hello! Ready to prove yourself? It's a tough crowd today! Forged in the Barrens Removed
Every great story starts somewhere... begin your legend here today. Forged in the Barrens Removed
▶️Dive on in! The deeper you go, the more you see. Voyage to the Sunken City Removed
▶️Oh, the water's fine today. Care for a swim? Haha! Voyage to the Sunken City Removed
▶️There's something in the water. Ah yes, it's adventure! Haha! Voyage to the Sunken City Removed
▶️Come on in, there are endless places to explore under the sea! Voyage to the Sunken City Removed
▶️Welcome, the ancient city of Zin-Azshari is waiting for ya! Voyage to the Sunken City Removed
▶️There ya are! It's sure good to sea ya here, huohaha! Voyage to the Sunken City Removed
▶️Anything's possible under the sea. Who knows what treasure you'll find? Voyage to the Sunken City Removed

Other Quotes[edit | edit source]

Other Quotes
Quote Usage
▶️Rare! You open a Rare card from a card pack.
▶️Epic! You open an Epic card from a card pack.
▶️Wooah, Legendary! You open a Legendary card from a card pack.
▶️Golden common! You open a golden common from a card pack
▶️Golden rare! You open a golden rare from a card pack
▶️Golden epic! You open a golden epic from a card pack
▶️WAAAH, GOLDEN LEGENDARY! You open a golden legendary from a card pack
▶️Your opponent left. Your opponent disconnects or leaves mid-game.
▶️Versus (type 1) Used at the beginning of the match when announcing hero names.
▶️Versus (type 2) Used at the beginning of the match when announcing hero names.
▶️Versus (type 3) Used at the beginning of the match when announcing hero names.
▶️Versus (type 4) Used at the beginning of the match when announcing hero names.
▶️You can unlock new heroes in practice mode. Practice mode
▶️Oh, good job! Feel free to try another run in the Arena if you've saved enough gold. Arena
▶️Great job! With every win, you'll upgrade your prize key! Arena
▶️That was your 3rd loss. Use your prize key to see what you've earned! Arena
▶️Now, challenge another Arena player and see how your deck holds up! Arena
▶️Ah, you're new here. Let me pay for your first run in the Arena, then. Arena
▶️You're going second, so you get  The Coin. Use it wisely. Going second for the first time.
▶️You can disenchant cards that you don't need, then craft ones you do. Disenchanting info
▶️You've got enough gold to buy a card pack! Head to the shop. Gaining 100 gold for the first time
▶️You're out of quests. Check back tomorrow for another one. Run out of quests
▶️While a minion has Stealth, it cannot Taunt. Giving a Stealth minion Taunt
▶️Welcome to the Tavern Brawl! Tavern Brawl
▶️Welcome to a Fireside Gathering. Fireside Gathering
▶️If you make a Classic deck, you'll only use it in the Classic mode. Classic format
▶️That deck is only for Classic games. Classic format
▶️Classic mode takes you back to the original Hearthstone. Classic format
▶️If you make a Wild deck, you can only use it in Wild games. Wild format
▶️That deck is only for Wild games. Wild format
▶️A Wild game! Oh, get ready, you're sure to see old cards here! Wild format

Lore[edit | edit source]

In terms of Hearthstone lore, the Innkeeper stands on the dividing line between the main Warcraft universe and the magical card game that is Hearthstone itself. Original to Hearthstone, the Innkeeper is in many ways the game's central character: the kindly patron who runs the tavern in which the player's matches are played. It is he who welcomes the player back to the tavern each session, and makes sure they can find a table on which to play some cards. He helps new players to learn the game's ropes, and always finds the time to play against anyone who can't find a partner. The Innkeeper may even be in charge of handing out rank medals to players, and possibly other rewards, as well as arranging themed games each week.

The Innkeeper notably seems to come up with catchy new greetings in keeping with the latest expansion or adventure to be released. He also occasionally tells stories of recent happenings in the tavern (see below), which likewise fit with the theme of upcoming expansions and adventures. While the identity of the game's makers are unknown, all of this suggests that the Innkeeper at least keeps an ear out for rumours regarding the game's development, as well as keeping up with the latest packs and adventures released.

While his tall tales are of uncertain canonicity, the Innkeeper himself appears to be canon to the wider Warcraft lore,[3] although he has yet to appear in World of Warcraft.

The Innkeeper's blogs[edit | edit source]

The Innkeeper's Journal or The Innkeeper's Tale is an occasional blog series featuring excerpts from the Innkeeper's journal, documenting events within his inn. The first blog, Patron Dispenser, was released 2014-11-03, the second, High Stakes, was released 2014-11-05, the third, The Innkeeper's Tale, was released 2015-05-12, the fourth, A Mysterious Patron, was released 2015-06-03, and the fifth, A Rattlin' Rally, was released 2015-07-08.

The first two blogs each featured art from an upcoming - and at the time unannounced - Goblins vs Gnomes card, with the story also hinting at the card's function. The fourth hinted at the introduction of the first alternate hero -  Magni Bronzebeard. The fifth hints at The Grand Tournament expansion, which was only rumor at the time.

Patron Dispenser[edit | edit source]

Unstable Portal full.jpg
Everyone’s welcome at my inn! There’s rarely a dull moment around here. The place is always humming with the sound of patrons busy playing a few rounds of Hearthstone, enjoying a few drinks, and sharing their latest tales brimming with epicness before heading off to their next adventure. Me? I serve the drinks, give some good advice when needed, and make sure everyone leaves with a few stories to tell their friends.
It never ceases to amaze me all of the fantastical ways travelers make their way to my inn. Some arrive to kick up their heels and throw back a pint after arriving on foot or mount, but some really know how to arrive in style. Why, just the other day, a mage arrived via portal! Sometimes, if you catch the angle just right, you can get a glimpse of where they came from right in the middle. That’s always a good icebreaker, and it really puts a smile on their faces when you find some common ground! “I’ll summon ya up a brew!” I always say to the mages, but they somehow always seem to have their own refreshments on them.
Note to self: No outside food or drink at the inn![1]

High Stakes[edit | edit source]

Madder Bomber full.jpg
A game or two of Hearthstone at the Inn can really draw a crowd! To make sure everyone can see the action, sometimes the tauren and the draenei have to stand in the back—can’t have them blocking the view. I can’t help it if some of us are a bit smaller in stature.
Speaking of getting a crowd going, just the other day there was a particularly rousing game of Hearthstone happening in the back corner of the Inn. The crowd was really cheering, hooting and hollering, but everyone was giving the table itself a particularly wide berth. An odd sight indeed!
The crowd was watching two goblins, entirely focused on their Hearthstone board—playing speed rounds using real sticks of dynamite as timers! I wasn’t particularly fond of having an open-air window in the corner of the inn, so I strongly suggested they continue their dangerous game outside. The goblins sat outside and continued their game as all the patrons peered out the windows to watch.
When a turn finally went a little too long, the poor fella on the wrong end of that stick was madder than I’d ever seen a goblin be . . . ever. Luck was apparently still on his side, though, because he came through in piece. In fact, he seemed madder about the loss than he was about his singed eyebrows! I’m sure he’ll be back tomorrow though.[4]

The Innkeeper's Tale[edit | edit source]

It started in the inns and taverns, and the sight was always the same: two players studying the game board intently, laying down cards, smiling or snarling as they won or lost. Crowds soon gathered to watch. The game's popularity surged, and before long, you could find Hearthstone game boards all across Azeroth. You'd see players in cities, in merchant convoys, on ships at sea, in barracks and tents within military outposts. You've probably even spotted a few games in your garrison shortly after you arrived on Draenor.
But it began in the inns, and if you want the true Hearthstone experience, there's no better place to play. And there's one inn that rises above all the rest. The one with the innkeeper.
The Innkeeper's Tale - The Innkeeper's Tale.jpg
The one where it truly began.
It's not easy to find. Most visitors can't tell you how they got there. A squad of orcs will say they stumbled in off the streets of Orgrimmar during an unseasonable storm. A caravan of gnome traders might claim they slogged through the Swamp of Sorrows for days before finding the inn in the middle of nowhere.
All around the inn's common room, you will find stories of hard travels, tough fighting, and dangerous adventuring, of digging through snowed-out mountain passes and trudging across unforgiving desert plains.
There is one constant: all found the inn when they needed it most, when they thought they couldn't walk another step or face another day. They discovered the right inn at the right time.
It doesn't matter what faction they represent, what world they hail from, whether they walked into the common room alone or with a group, whether they're unarmed or clad in the finest armor. There to greet them all is innkeeper Stonebrew, the dwarf with a twinkle in his eye and quick hands that can top off a mug and slide it into your grasp before you sit down. If you're looking for a game of Hearthstone, he'll find you an empty seat. If you want to learn how to play, he'll sit across from you and walk you through a friendly match. If you want to watch others compete, he'll lead you to a spot with a view. Whatever you need to warm your soul or soothe your worries, he'll provide.
The Innkeeper's Tale - The Innkeeper's Tale2.jpg
Just don't cause any trouble.
Oh, sure, the inn gets rowdy from time to time; there's no debating that. When two salty types sit down at a Hearthstone table, it's not uncommon to see a few punches traded once the match ends. Ask any dwarf: a night of fun isn't done without a brawl or two. But stick to your fists. Don't pull out any weapons—no blades, no clubs, no axes, no magic with ill intent. Cross that line… well, don't say you weren't warned. The innkeeper is stronger than he looks. You'd probably find yourself flying out of the front door before you landed a single blow, and if you were very, very lucky, you'd end up on a street in a city you recognized.
And this should go without saying: don't cheat. The innkeeper hates cheating. There are tales of poor souls who are doomed forever to draw nothing but Magma Ragers and Angry Chickens for the rest of their days. Play fair, and you won't need to learn firsthand whether those stories are true.
When the night is old and last call is long past, you may find yourself leaving the inn with a Hearthstone board tucked under your arm. Keep it. Most people have trouble finding this inn more than twice in a year. But with a game board of your own, you can share the Hearthstone experience with anyone you please. Plenty of folks even gather together in large groups every week. If someone else has already started one of these Fireside Gatherings near your abode, join in! A night of camaraderie and fellowship has more power than most would suspect.
If there's not a gathering near you, perhaps you are meant to start one yourself. Either way, it's difficult to stay away from the sounds of laughter and cheering. Sit down at a table, strike up a conversation, and join the fun. You never know whom you'll meet.
Maybe you'll even cross paths with a familiar, friendly dwarf as he refills your mug, slaps you on the back, and howls with you as a competitor clears the board with an impossibly lucky play. You won't see him arrive, and you won't notice him leaving, but that's not so strange.
A night of fun is a powerful thing, after all.[5]

A Mysterious Patron[edit | edit source]

The Innkeeper's Tale - A Mysterious Patron.png
It was a busy night like any other as groups of adventurers and heroes huddled around a heated game of Hearthstone in the Inn’s common room. There was an air of tension as the game in progress began to go into its final rounds, both opponents staring into their hand of cards with intense focus. Spectators wrung their hands and watched each play with bated breath, hoping their favored player would emerge victorious.
A collective gasp and hearty applause accompanied the epic final plays by both opponents, followed by excited chatter and the sound of mugs clinking together in celebration. The winner boasted merrily to the gathered crowd while his opponent ponderously mulled over his plays, unsure as to where he went wrong. The innkeeper grinned broadly to himself, as he wiped down the bar; this night, like every night before it, was just the start to another rousing story these patrons would later regale to their friends.
Eyes flickered over to the door of the inn as it swung open, heads absently nodding in greeting to the visitor. Some gazes held at the door, and ever so slowly, the excited chatter that filled the inn with a buzzing din hushed to a whispering murmur. The innkeeper looked up, curious as to what could possibly calm the raucous energy that had previously filled the air.
An imposing, broad-shouldered figure lingered at the door. Patrons squinted, their eyes adjusting to the light as they tried to make out the newcomer. Hesitation brought with it a mild tension as for a brief moment, no one moved or spoke.
The innkeeper’s warm, hearty laugh echoed throughout the common room as he gestured the newcomer inside, breaking the sudden silence. The patrons laughed along with his infectious guffaw. Mugs were hefted high, and cries of challenge were shouted, clamoring to be heard.
Oh, the stories that would be told tonight![6]

A Rattlin' Rally[edit | edit source]

Stablemaster full.jpg
The Inn is the kind of place that will always welcome anyone and everyone who’s willing to play fair and have fun, so we get all sorts here. Still. . . Some crowds leave a real impression!
Today was somethin’ else! The air was filled with the happy hubbub of folks dueling away and enjoying one another’s company, no matter where they hailed from; nothing too out of the ordinary. The funny thing was, most of ‘em were wearing the shiniest armor you ever saw—including the magic-using types! I even saw murlocs all geared up in plate, clankin’ about like wee fishy-smellin’ mechs. I’ll never forget the young Dwarven lass leadin’ a majestic unicorn around the common room! That seemed to make the other patrons nervous, since getting impaled is usually inconvenient, but they had nothin’ to worry about.
Soon enough, everyone finished their brews (even the unicorn!), wrapped up their Hearthstone games, and got back to whatever journey they were on. It was an inspiring sight, and I admit that I was sorry to see ‘em go.
I have to wonder where they were all headed. Of course, the Inn has a knack for putting itself right where the excitement is, so I reckon I’ll be findin’ out soon enough![7]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • One of the earliest pieces of Innkeeper art (see below) shows him with a collection of medals, suggesting he may be the person in charge of awarding ranks and arena medals to players, or else has recently earned these medals himself. Note that the picture shows the original medal system, used prior to Patch
  • The Innkeeper has a pet (or at least companion) rat, named Sarge.[8][9] Originally featured in promo art from the time of the game's launch, Sarge has since appeared in most art depicting the Innkeeper, such as that created for BlizzCon each year, as well as some key art for new features and content releases. Sarge was first shown wearing the "Three-Star Master" medal, indicating the second highest ranking in Ranked play during the early beta.
  • The art seen in-game comes from the TCG card named Alliance The Perfect Stout.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Innkeeper was inspired by the narrator in the indie action RPG Bastion, which Ben Brode was playing during the period in which he was building the Tutorial.[10]
  • The startup quote "Everyone - get in here and say hello!" is based on the summoning quote of  Grim Patron. Its use here is likely due to the phrase's high popularity among the community, especially in the months following the release of Blackrock Mountain, which saw the Patron Warrior deck become one of the strongest in the meta.
  • The Innkeeper is voiced by Terrence Stone.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Five Years of Harth in Hearthstone.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]