Card combinations (strategy)

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This page notes the advanced strategies and combinations various cards put together have. Please add more.

Tree-Auchenai-Ramshield combination (also known as Auchenai of Life)[edit | edit source]

This Combination is very powerful when you manage it. Playing  Auchenai Soulpriest followed by  Bolf Ramshield, and  Tree of Life on the next turn results in an instant win. It can also be used without Bolf to force a draw.

Circle of Souls[edit | edit source]

 Circle of Healing with  Auchenai Soulpriest is one of the most important AoE effects for priests.

Antonidas-Apprentice-Mirror image[edit | edit source]

This nineteen-mana investment can reap fruit if it survives. Playing  Archmage Antonidas followed by  Sorcerer's Apprentice and lastly a  Mirror Image. The  Mirror Image protects  Archmage Antonidas and  Sorcerer's Apprentice from dying while also putting into hand a 3-mana  Fireball. In the next turn, you can deal 5 damage from  Archmage Antonidas, 3 damage from  Sorcerer's Apprentice and 6 damage times 3 equals 18 damage from the multiple Fireballs that will be generated, 26 damage altogether with 1 mana left for the second turn.

Antonidas-Apprentice-Echo[edit | edit source]

Playing  Archmage Antonidas and crossing your fingers for its survival is what you must do for the first turn. If he survives the next turn, play 2x  Sorcerer's Apprentice followed by Echo Of Medivh, and 2x  Sorcerer's Apprentice again allows you to send  Fireball after  Fireball to the enemy hero.

Grim Patron-Bouncing Blades[edit | edit source]

Playing  Grim Patron followed by  Bouncing Blade when the enemy has no minions or high health minions on board to end you up (if your enemy has no minions) with a minimum of 2 Grim Patrons, with a maximum of 6 Grim Patrons.

Clear the board[edit | edit source]

Playing  Wild Pyromancer followed by  Equality effectively clears the board of all minions. Useful if the opponent has very strong minions on his or her side of the board.

Clear the board and keep the Pyro alive[edit | edit source]

Same as previous, but play  Equality first, and another spell after the  Wild Pyromancer.

Clear the opponent's board[edit | edit source]

 Equality followed by  Consecration.

Sylvanas and Brawl[edit | edit source]

You're guaranteed to either have your minion survive the  Brawl, or steal the opponent's surviving minion.

We Hate Spells![edit | edit source]

Playing  Brann Bronzebeard followed by  Loatheb makes it practically impossible to play any spells except forbidden healing,  Innervate and other 0-mana spells, which would be useless.

Adventurer's dream[edit | edit source]

If you can pull this out, this is truly a dream.  Emperor Thaurissan must stay alive for at least two turns. Next, play 2x  Blackwater Pirate and a  Faceless Manipulator, then play  Questing Adventurer and keep on playing 2x (repeated) of  Tentacles for Arms. In theory, this could also pull of the biggest minion in history.

Charge is too OP[edit | edit source]

Play a  Gnomeregan Infantry. Next, play 2x of  Power Word: Shield on the it, and 2x  Divine Spirit on it. Then, use  Inner Fire on it. Bang. A 32/32 with Charge and only for 10 mana!

Deathwing for you[edit | edit source]

Play  Malchezaar's Imp. Next turn,  Deathwing. for 11 mana, a 12/12 plus a free  Twisting Nether!

Void Terror & co.[edit | edit source]

The most notable synergies include  Power Overwhelming,  Voidcaller,  Sylvanas Windrunner. All of these also synergize with  Shadowflame.