Boommaster Flark (boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Boommaster Flark, Boommaster Flark (Dalaran boss).

Boommaster Flark is the second boss of the Survival lab in the Puzzle Lab.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Firework Barrage

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Boommaster Flark
You wanna see the big guns? Look no further!


Boommaster Flark
I am the master of booms, the BOOMMASTER!

Emote Response

Boommaster Flark
Whoo! And they say I'VE got a short fuse...
Yeesh! And they say I'VE got a short fuse...
You want a piece of me? You're about to be in pieces yourself!


Boommaster Flark
Can I light the fuse yet? No? ...How about now?
Choices choices...
Have you tried uh... uh... gaining armor? I'm out of ideas.
Hm... Uh huh... Hmmmmmmmm...
How on Azeroth are you going to survive this? Oh wait we're on Outland...
Nyeh. I just wanna blow stuff up.
Pffft... You blow up three interns and suddenly there's safety regulations.
Where's the fuse that's normally going off by now? I miss it.


Boommaster Flark
Duds?! Bah! I'll get more out of storage.
Eh... What can you do? Round 2.
Gotta make sure you can take the hit. Can't lose another intern...
I ain't ready to see these sparks fly. Heh. Not yet.
I can't wait for the boom! Not my boss. The fireworks.
If you're not ready, just give us a signal. You got all the time in the world.
I'll just fire these off into the air and grab some new ones.
The anticipation!
The antici.... pation.
This is one loooooooong fuse.
Yeah I agree. Needed more gunpowder anyways.

Puzzle 1

Boommaster Flark
Breena's work pales in comparison to the raw destructive POWER I possess!
My uhhh... fireworks that is. I'm not making bombs or anything. Promise.

Puzzle 4

Boommaster Flark
How will you survive? I'm on the edge of my seat!

 Drywhisker Armorer (unplayable; a sound isn't recorded and is in strings only)

Boommaster Flark
Ohh, yup. Yeah. That's why you were giving me minions. I get it.

Return after leaving

Boommaster Flark
You return! After your uhh... "tactical retreat".


Boommaster Flark
Wow! What a spectacular show! The way you exploded... Mwah! Magnificent.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Boommaster Flark, full art

Patch changes

Card changes