Boomnician Breena

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Boomnician Breena is a boss that can be encountered in the Puzzle Lab.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Firework Volley

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Boommaster Flark
▶️Come one, come all, to the spectacular Boomatorium!


Boomnician Breena
▶️Are you the new test subject? I will light the fuse!

Emote Response

Boomnician Breena
▶️Looks like you have got an explosive personality yourself! Hmmhmmhmmhmm
▶️I am having a blast. You?


Boomnician Breena
▶️What happens if I light this fuse...
▶️Could we strap some fireworks to that minion?
▶️What if I double the gunpowder...
▶️How does Flark add all those colors?
▶️Think you could... outrun it?
▶️This is a tough one... Glad I am not taking the hit!

Puzzle 1

Boommaster Flark
▶️We're testing out some fireworks in here. On your face. Try and survive, yeah?
Boomnician Breena
▶️Ohooho! This is going be such fun!

Puzzle 2

Boommaster Flark
▶️It'd be no fun if you were at full health. We need to keep things exciting!

Puzzle 3

Boommaster Flark
▶️You never know when some of these minions might come in handy.

Puzzle 4

Boommaster Flark
▶️Don't worry we'll try not to fire them off before you're ready.

Puzzle 7

Boomnician Breena
▶️I always enjoy patching myself up after a long day at work!


Boomnician Breena
▶️If at first you do not succeed...
▶️Would it hurt to try again?
▶️If it went boom in your face right now... yeah... let us restart.
▶️Let us give it another go.
▶️That did not work? Hmmm...
▶️All it takes is a spark.

Return after leaving

Boomnician Breena
▶️You came back for more!


Boommaster Flark
▶️Hey you did it! Next in line, ME.


Patch changes

Card changes