Template:WikiTable table/doc

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This table exists to manage the versions of Hearthstone databases and wiki tables.

There are three types of tables:

  • Client
    • Directly imported from Hearthstone client. build is mandatory.
  • Derived
    • Key values that are generated based on the client tables and can be modified. build is optional.
  • Custom
    • Key values made up by wiki, but they are mostly used to cover server-side data that do not exist in Hearthstone client. Also, some key values can be useful in querying. build is unavailable for these tables.

Tables[edit source]

page type build
Template:Ability table Client 200,097
Template:AbilityTier table Client 200,097
Template:Achieve table Client 200,097
Template:AchieveCondition table Client 200,097
Template:Achievements table Client 200,097
Template:AchievementsCategories table Client 65,614
Template:AchievementsSectionItems table Client 200,097
Template:AchievementsSections table Client 200,097
Template:AchievementsSubCategories table Client 200,097
Template:AdventureGuestHero table Client 200,097
Template:AdventureHeroPower table Client 200,097
Template:AdventureLoadoutTreasure table Client 200,097
Template:AudioText table Custom 170,824
Template:BattlegroundsBoardSkin table Client 200,097
Template:BattlegroundsEmote table Client 200,097
Template:BattlegroundsFinisher table Client 200,097
Template:BattlegroundsGuideSkin table Client 200,097
Template:BattlegroundsHeroSkin table Client 200,097
Template:BonusBountyDropChance table Client 200,097
Template:Booster table Client 200,097
Template:BoosterCardSet table Client 200,097
Template:Bounty table Client 200,097
Template:BountyFinalReward table Client 200,097
Template:BountySet table Client 200,097
Template:BuildingTier table Client 200,097
Template:Bundle table Server
Template:BundleInfo table Server
Template:BundleItem table Server
Template:Card table Client 200,097
Template:Card2 table Client 160,183
Template:CardBack table Client 200,097
Template:CardHero table Client 200,097
Template:CardRace table Client 200,097
Template:CardsCardClass table Wiki
Template:CardsCardType table Wiki
Template:CardSetTiming table Client 200,097
Template:CardsGameTag table Client 175,913
Template:CardsMultiClassGroup table Wiki
Template:CardsOfficial2 table API 150,659
Template:CardsRace table Wiki
Template:CardsRarity table Wiki
Template:CardsSpellSchool table Wiki
Template:CardTag table Client 200,097
Template:CardTagBg table Client 200,097
Template:CardTagMercs table Client 200,097
Template:CardTagTest table Client 190,920
Template:Coin table Client 195,635
Template:CustomAchievement table Custom
Template:CustomBattlegroundsArmor table Custom
Template:CustomBattlegroundsBoardSkin table Custom
Template:CustomBattlegroundsEmote table Custom
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table Custom
Template:CustomBooster table Custom
Template:CustomBundleItemType table Custom
Template:CustomCard table Custom
Template:CustomCardBack table Custom
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table Custom
Template:CustomCardNote table Custom
Template:CustomCardStrategy table Custom
Template:CustomEventTimingEvent table Custom
Template:CustomFaction table Custom
Template:CustomLoreRace table Custom
Template:CustomRewardTrack table Custom
Template:CustomSound table Custom
Template:CustomSpecialEvent table Custom
Template:Deck table Client 200,097
Template:DeckTemplate table Client 200,097
Template:DeckTemplateChoice table Client 200,097
Template:DerivedCard table Derived
Template:DerivedDeckCard table Derived
Template:DerivedEquipment table Derived 145,077
Template:EquipmentModifier table Client
Template:EquipmentTier table Client 200,097
Template:EventRewardTrack table Client 200,097
Template:EventTimingEvent table Server
Template:FixedReward table Client 200,097
Template:FixedRewardAction table Client 200,097
Template:FixedRewardMap table Client 200,097
Template:FormulaChangePoint table Client 200,097
Template:GuestHero table Client 200,097
Template:InitCardValue table Client 200,097
Template:LeagueRank table Client 200,097
Template:LuckyDrawBox table Client 200,097
Template:LuckyDrawReward table Client 200,097
Template:MercenariesRandomReward table Client 200,097
Template:MercenariesRankedSeasonRewardRank table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryAbility table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryAllowTreasure table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryArtVariation table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryArtVariationPremium table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryEquipment table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryLevelStats table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryName table Client 200,097
Template:MercenarySpecialization table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryTreasure table Client 200,097
Template:MercenaryTreasureTier table Client 163,976
Template:MercenaryVisitor table Client 200,097
Template:MiniSet table Client 200,097
Template:MythicAbilityScalingCardTag table Client 200,097
Template:MythicEquipmentScalingCardTag table Client 200,097
Template:MythicEquipmentScalingDestinationCardTag table Client 200,097
Template:OwnershipReqList table Client 200,097
Template:Quest table Client 200,097
Template:QuestPool table Client 200,097
Template:RankedPlaySeason table Client 200,097
Template:RewardChest table Client 200,097
Template:RewardChestContent table Client 200,097
Template:RewardItem table Client 200,097
Template:RewardList table Client 200,097
Template:RewardTrack table Client 200,097
Template:RewardTrackLevel table Client 200,097
Template:ScalingTreasureCardTag table Client 200,097
Template:Scenario table Client 200,097
Template:ScenarioGuestHero table Client 200,097
Template:Sound table Client 195,635
Template:Sound2 table Client 170,824
Template:SpecialEvent table Client 200,097
Template:SubsetRule table Client 190,145
Template:TaskList table Client 200,097
Template:VisitorTask table Client 200,097
Template:VisitorTaskChain table Client 200,097
Template:VisitorTaskFR table Client 0
Template:WikiAbility table Wiki
Template:WikiAbilityTier table Wiki
Template:WikiArenaSet table Wiki
Template:WikiArtist table Wiki
Template:WikiBanPool table Wiki
Template:WikiBgMigratedCard table Wiki
Template:WikiBgSeasonSnapshot table Wiki
Template:WikiBoosterPool table Wiki
Template:WikiBossRush table Wiki
Template:WikiCard table Custom
Template:WikiCardPool table Wiki
Template:WikiCountableText table Wiki
Template:WikiDisambiguation table Custom
Template:WikiDuelsSet table Wiki
Template:WikiMercenary table Wiki
Template:WikiMeta table Custom
Template:WikiSubmissionSound table Custom
Template:WikiTemp table Custom
Template:WikiTwistRule table Wiki
Template:WikiTwistSet table Wiki
Template:WikiVfxArtist table Wiki
Template:WikiVideo table Wiki
Template:WikiVoiceActor table Wiki
Template:Wing table Client 200,097