Template:Void Crusher strategy

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This card works well with other cards that flood your side of the board. For example,  Imp-losion and  Haunted Creeper can increase your odds of the effect hitting a 1/1 on your side with this effect. Void Crusher's mana cost, however, limits it to slower decks. A slower Demonlock could summon or resurrect it even for free, but such decks focus on bigger minions, making Void Crusher a poor choice.

A deck that combines small tokens with Demonlock's synergies would be a deck built around  Dreadsteed. However, as of Patch, you'll need to keep in mind to make use of Void Crusher's effect before using Dreadsteeds to trade, losing one potential attack from the destroyed Dreadsteed, lest the odds of Void Crusher destroying itself be increased.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

AT 023.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.