Template:Surrender to Madness strategy

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Surrender to Madness gives an very large benefit on paper, but it pays off extremely slowly. While the +2/+2 buff is intimidating, it's cancelled out by the card leaving you down three Mana Crystals, leading to a massive tempo loss unless you play minions buffed by this card every turn, and even then, a +2/+2 buff equates to roughly 2 mana, effectively leaving you 1 mana behind in tempo. The mana loss also hinders your spells, making even cheap buffs and removal like  Power Word: Shield,  Shadow Word: Death, and  Extra Arms much more expensive to play. Furthermore, in Zoo decks where the deck buff shines, spending 3 mana without affecting the board in any way is almost always a suboptimal play, and most other archetypes usually cannot justify putting yourself behind by 3 mana, making Surrender to Madness a risky niche card at best.

Surrender to Madness can be used with  Mojomaster Zihi to put both players on an even field of five mana total while receiving the benefits of bonus stats. However, as Surrender to Madness is suited more to an aggressive zoo playstyle, this is not necessarily recommended as the mana reset will almost always come too late to significantly change the game's outcome.

Arguably the best use for this card is as a late-game power play (albeit one that takes multiple turns to pay off and requires earlier setup) with  Bwonsamdi, the Dead and  Spirit of the Dead. After the latter shuffles numerous 1-cost copies into your deck, play this card with 10 mana and then play Bwonsamdi to draw multiple buffed minions ready to play next turn for a large tempo swing.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.