Template:Shudderwock strategy

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Shudderwock is a powerful value play that requires specific deckbuilding. In order to reach late game to have drawn and played Shudderwock, the deck needs a strong Control backbone. Shaman has access to several powerful control options, such as  Volcano and  Lightning Storm. Strong Battlecries to copy include  Elise the Trailblazer,  Hagatha the Witch,  Kalimos, Primal Lord,  Baleful Banker, and  Zola the Gorgon. Shudderwock is fairly weak with targeted Battlecries like  Hot Spring Guardian and  Fire Elemental, since it leaves these effects up to chance.

Shudderwock can be used to close out games by repeating the Battlecries of  Lifedrinker,  Doppelgangster,  Saronite Chain Gang,  Grumble, Worldshaker, and  Murmuring Elemental. Lifedrinker will deal high damage to the opponent when repeated enough, Doppelgangster will create more Shudderwocks, Grumble will return the Shudderwocks to your hand and reduce their cost to 1 allowing you to play another Shudderwock, and Murmuring Elemental will cause your next Shudderwock to activate twice. To improve the consistency of this combo, you can use  Fire Plume Harbinger to reduce Murmuring Elemental's cost and  Sandbinder to draw several combo pieces.

Like all combo decks, decks focusing on Shudderwock are vulnerable to Aggro and Tempo, which can defeat them before Shudderwock is properly set up.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.