Template:Scaled Nightmare strategy

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Scaled Nightmare's measly 2 Attack gives it low value for its cost when first played, and without anything to increase its Attack, a 4/8 for 6 Mana on the next turn is still weak. Therefore, you will need to utilize buffs in order to take advantage of its effect and make it worth its cost.

Paladins can easily buff Scaled Nightmare's Attack. Playing a  Blessing of Might on the same turn would increase its Attack to 5, improving its stats just enough to be a bit more viable. If it survives the next turn, you have a 10/8 on your board. Combine it with a  Blessed Champion to double its Attack to 20 and you have yourself a beefy minion with which to deal massive damage to the face.

Rogues can also take advantage of Scaled Nightmare's effect. With  Cold Blood, they can turn it into a 6/8 minion for 8 Mana. While Rogues can't give it a burst of attack on the next turn like Paladins can, they are able to utilize Stealth to protect it, giving them a 12/8 to work with on the next turn.

Lastly, Priests can simply use  Inner Fire to make it an 8/8 up front, making it a fast and effective way to give it value. If combined with  Divine Spirit, it turns into a 16/16, giving them an absurdly powerful minion for 9 Mana. On the next turn, it will have 32 Attack, allowing the Priest to win the game if their opponent does not deal with it immediately.

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