Template:Rally! strategy

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Rally! is a very strong tool for building a board in early game, potentially summoning 6 mana worth of minions. Paladin may use  Call to Arms to summon minions to later be resurrected, and both Call to Arms and Rally! synergise with negative battlecries such as those of  Injured Kvaldir,  Injured Tol'vir or even  Millhouse Manastorm.

In priest, Rally! can be utilized in tempo decks, resurrecting  Shadow Ascendant and/or  Dragonmaw Overseer, or in combo decks built around  Nazmani Bloodweaver.

The resurrection phase is crescent, so, the 1 cost minion is always brought back first.  Brazen Zealot greatly benefits by its effect, gaining +2 Attack instantly, since the other two will be summoned after her.

 Murgur Murgurgle is a really strong card to use along Rally!, giving 2 extra Prime cards.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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