Template:Nightscale Matriarch strategy

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Nightscale Matriarch can be a powerful late-game option for most Priest decks. The Nightscale Whelps it summons provide a large amount of board presence and can be tricky to remove; if this card is kept alive, they can easily get out of control. Cards like  Circle of Healing and  Divine Hymn, when cast with multiple wounded minions on board, can be used to flood the board with Whelps; alternatively,  Squashling can be used to heal a single minion repeatedly. This card's high health lets it comfortably trade into minions and survive to be healed, spawning more Whelps in the process, and combos well with  Inner Fire and  Lady in White.

As a Dragon, Nightscale Matriarch can be used as an activator for cards such as  Duskbreaker,  Wyrmguard, and  Scaleworm.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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