Template:Mine Cart Rush strategy

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The boss always goes first, but the player does not get  The Coin. At the start of the first turn the boss' Hero Power summons 3 minions; at the start of each subsequent turn it will summon another 2.

The boss generally goes face whenever possible, but will sometimes use  Chasing Trogg to trade.


At this difficulty, Spiked Decoys are mandatory as the most efficient way to clear 2/6 troggs. In an ideal scenario, this will buy the most time. You will likely need one in your opening hand, and may need to reroll the hand to ensure you get at least some of these cards.

Secondly, release Mechanical Parrots to help clear the 4/6s and deal some swift strikes against the remaining 2/6 enemies. Board control is essential to prevent 'face' aggro.

 Dynamite is essentially targeted removal, and best kept to immediately use on Lumbering Golems. Their presence is very dangerous to both your board and your cart, and should be removed as soon as possible.

Keep your area of effect card,  Boom!, until it can kill at least 3-4 enemies, and damage several more for advantageous trades with your minions. Two of them will immediately wipe the board.

Use  Consult Brann if desperately in need of a taunts or removal, or otherwise when enemy presence is weak to refill a short hand.

 Throw Rocks is best used to immediately kill an enemy, but can be used to trade with a minion, or if you are out of useable cards.

Do not use  Barrel Forward unless on the last few turns it will secure an instant or next turn win.


Heroic mode is the same as Normal mode, other than having a higher chance to summon bigger minions.  Debris does not seem to be summoned.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

LOEA07 02.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.