Template:Millhouse Manastorm notes

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  • This card's Battlecry creates a cost-modification enchantment attached to the enemy player: this means that it will not be cancelled if the enemy's hero is replaced.[1] This enchantment sets the mana cost of spell cards in the opponents's hand to 0, and wears off at the end the opponent's turn.
  • This card's effect follows the general rule that multiple cost modifications take effect in order of play: for additional details, see Mana cost.
Example: If  Loatheb and Millhouse Manastorm are both played in a turn, their effects will happen in order: if Loatheb is played followed by Millhouse Manastorm, all enemy spells will cost 0 mana; if Millhouse Manastorm is played followed by Loatheb, all enemy spells will cost 5 mana.[2][3]

This template contains notes for these cards.

NEW1 029.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.

  1. Screenshot. Tested by User:Xinhuan, 2015-03-08.
  2. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-07-18). 
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfkGUybFchE